Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ex-Girlfriend Harasses Family On Wolfram

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:06am. Wow, I can't believe it. Tomorrow officially marks one year of me doing this blog. I can't believe it's been a year already. Time flies by, doesn't it? Anyway, I should be here all day until dinner. I'm feeling much better. Just need to get rid of my real slight stuffed nose and ticklish throat. That should go away though soon. Also, it's going to be warm, so we'll see what happens. Here is crime for today.

12:04am - Domestic disturbance. 3601 W Wolfram. The ex-girlfriend is harassing the caller and their family. With that, I'm out of here for the night. See you all in the mornin'.

9:00am - I'm back. Good morning. And Beat car 2535 is doing a premise check at the pumping station, 1747 N Springfield. Event number is 05124.

10:01am - Loud music disturbance. 4141 W Wellington. Blue van.

10:44am - Beat car 2525 has a handwaver at 2336 N Kedvale regarding two male Hispanics in black clothing trespassing into a building.

10:45am - They're heading towards Belden on Kedvale. The officer sees them and starts giving chase.

10:46am - The guys are in custody.

11:04am - Disturbance. 3160 N Milwaukee. Intoxicated guy out in front causing problems.

11:29am - A job was given out somewhere in the coverage area but now I can't remember the details.

11:46am - Municipal Ordinance Violation. 3610 W George. At St Hyacinth's. A priest is complaining about the food vendors.

About 1:15pm - There was a job in the area, but I didn't get details. Sorry.

1:54 to 2:09pm - I wasn't paying attention. Sorry.

3:25pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 3645 W Wabansia. 2) Alarm. 1920 N Hamlin. At Ames School.

4:42 to 5:08pm - I didn't pay attention. Sorry.

5:25pm - Battery in progress. 2440 N Avers. Male beating female in the back of the building.

6:10pm - I'm going to go for the night. Nighty night :). See you all tomorrow.

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