Thursday, October 8, 2009

Teenagers Gangbangin' @ Konster and Deming

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 5:00pm. School was actually kind of crazy today, but I'm home now. I had some other stuff to do before I blogged. Anyway, here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

5:03pm - Gang disturbance. Konster and Deming. Teens doing gang stuff.

5:49pm - Traffic accident. 3742 W Fullerton. No injures.

6:34pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:00pm - I'm back.

7:27pm - Beat 2544 has a handwaver at Milwaukee and Haussen.

7:28pm - Criminal damage. 4236 W Wrightwood. Boyfriend damaged the car.

7:29pm - Disturbance. 2524 N Ridgeway. 20 guys on the street.

7:32pm - Information for the police. Belmont and Pulaski. Loose puppy on the street.

7:52pm - The 7:32pm puppy got hit. Animal Control's on the way.

8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

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