Sunday, October 4, 2009

Stop @ 2135 N. Kedvale

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:00am. The sun is finally going to come out with highs in the upper 50s. We'll see what happens. Anyway, I'm going to monitor until my dinner. Here is crime for today.

12:03am - Someone's got a stop at 2135 N Kedvale. With that, I'm out for the night. Good night everyone.

9:00am - I'm back. Good morning.

10:22am - Battery. 1908 N Central Park. Male hit the complainant and the girlfriend. Male also damaged their car.

10:37am - Assault. 1633 N Avers. The landlord put his pit bull after the complaint.

10:40am - Disturbance w/ a mental. Belmont and Milwaukee. Male, 50s, red flannel shirt screaming and yelling in the street.

10:46am - Threatening suicide. Central Park and Milwaukee. Complainant's drunk 22 yr old daughter is in the street, trying to kill herself. She wants to harm others as well.

11:25am - The 10:46am job is being duped to EMS.

11:30am - The Fire Department is rolling to Pulaski and Wrightwood on some kind of call. The police are being asked to assist.

11:56am - There is a job at 2415 N. Harding, but it's being coded. Also, there's a traffic accident at 2800 N Kildare with a dispute on scene.

12:11pm - Beat 2520 has a handwaver at 3181 N Milwaukee regarding the group of males that loiter there on a daily basis. He's going to shag them.

12:45pm - Traffic accident. 2643 N Monticello.

1:27pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Karlov.

1:36pm - The 1:27pm accident is on 17's side. It's not an Avondale one either because when you go north of Belmont and west of Pulaski, that's the Old Irving Park neighborhood (I think).

2:19pm - Battery in progress. 4102 W Armitage. Three females beating on one female.

2:25pm - A slow down is being given on the 2:19pm job.

2:46pm - Traffic accident. Central Park and Wabansia. Bicyclist hit by car but left the scene and refused EMS.

2:47pm - Backlog in 25 at 14:47 hours.

2:57pm - Beat car 2524 needs EMS at Milwaukee and Avers for an intoxicated male.

3:19pm - The 2:57pm thing is being duped to Ambulance 48. Vitcim is being taken to Norwegian.

3:23pm - Information for the police. Karlov and Armitage.

3:24pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Hamlin. 4 drunk males in the back of the restrauant. They need to be removed.

3:40pm - The 3:23pm job is related to the 2:19pm job.

3:58pm - Domestic disturbance. 2238 N Lawndale. Problem with the boyfriend who won't let the complainant get their stuff.

4:10pm - Assist the citizen. 3947 W Fullerton. Citizen needs help getting belongings.

4:13pm - Narcotics. 2230 N Lawndale. Males selling drugs.

4:42pm - There's been a traffic accident at Springfield and Diversey. There are injures and traffic control is being exercised.

4:48pm - Cars were being blocked off going westbound at Avers on Diversey but traffic is being allowed to go by now.

4:54pm - I spot an ambulance go by from the accident.

5:22 to 5:45pm - I wasn't paying too much attention. Sorry.

5:48pm - Beat 2566 asks for a consentive search event number from 2129 N Springfield. It's 13326 and the council time is 17:48 hours.

5:52pm - Domestic disturbance. 2150 N Central Park. Man and woman are heard arguing with kids screaming.

5:58pm - Beat car 2525 is asking for a call back on the 5:52pm job.

6:24pm - Parkers on 2523's Beat.

6:26pm - Beat 2592 has a traffic stop at 4001 W Fullerton.

6:49pm - Person down. Belmont and Springfield. Male White, 60, baseball cap and some kind of red shirt is completey wasted. In the middle of the street.

6:55pm - Burglar alarm/domestic disturbance. 1728 N Ridgeway. Burglar alarm is going off at this location because the person at this address pressed it due to the son threatening them.

6:58pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.

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