Thursday, October 15, 2009

Premise Check On Avers

Good afternoon, everyone. It's 4:37pm. Today was pretty good at school, but it was tiring. Tomorrow is TGIF however :). Anyway, it's still raining and it's still cold. Also, there was a shooting at V Live Club (2047 N. Milwaukee) early this morning. Just awful. When I monitor 14 tomorrow night (8pm-midnight), I'll be sure to listen up for any and all calls at this club. Here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:38pm - Beat 2573 is doing a premise check at 3043 N Avers.

4:59pm - Person calling for help. 2010 N Central Park. In front of the school.

5:08pm - Check the well being. 4120 W Wellington. Elderly couple lives at this address and they haven't been answering their phone. The couple allegedly does not go out on rainy days such as today. Complainant wants police to check on them.

5:36pm - Criminal damage. Hamlin and Diversey. Male Hispanic, black hoodie and dark jeans damaged the complainant's car.

6:00pm - Disturbance. 3801 W Belmont. Female begging in front of Dunkin Donuts.

6:07pm - Disturbance. 2059 N Pulaski. Group of males drinking in the laundry mat.

6:27pm - I have to go eat. I will be back soon.

6:50pm - I'm back.

7:11pm - Disturbance. 3659 W Diversey. People wondering around in the middle of the street.

7:26pm - Burglar alarm. 3809 W Diversey.

7:28pm - The 7:11pm job is coded 19P.

7:29pm - Gang disturbance. Pulaski and Dickens.

7:37pm - Traffic accident. Central Park and Milwaukee. There was an earlier call at 6:53pm, but it turned out to be in the 16th District at Central and Milwaukee. Now, there's a couple of calls coming in at Central Park.

7:41pm - Parker. 2446 N Avers.

8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night.

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