Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 2:00pm. Happy Halloween for those of you who celebrate it (I don't). I, probably along with many others, are hoping for a calm Halloween, but it probably won't be that way, so I encourage all readers to send in reports throughout the day and night to me from wherever you are in the two neighborhoods, especially if you are east of Central Park and north of Belmont. For those who are taking children out to trick-or-treat tonight, please be careful. I don't know what else to say, LOL. Here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

2:26pm - There is a domestic on Lawndale, somewhere.

2:45pm - Shots Fired. 2105 N Lawndale. 5 guys fighting and someone's shooting off a BB gun.

2:50pm - Beat car 2524 says nobody is fighting at 2105 Lawndale. And nobody shot off a BB gun.

2:51pm - The situation is escalating over on Lawndale. Some kid with a yellow coat has a gun.

2:57pm - Beat car 2525 needs an assist on a job at 2216 N Keystone. 2524's coding out Lawndale and is heading over.

3:26pm - Theft in progress. 3820 W North. Two males trying to get into a dark colored Chevy van that's parked.

3:30pm - Would anybody happen to know if there were Shots Fired in the area of Altgeld and Ridgeway at about 5 this morning? I received a comment. The commenter isn't sure they were shots since they were half asleep.

3:38pm - Domestic Battery. 3641 W Dickens. Complaiant was beat up yesterday and wants a report.

3:39pm - Battery. 3724 W Fullerton. Male came in and said he was beaten up.

4:33pm - Battery in progress. 1615 N Lawndale. Male fighting a female.

4:34pm - A slow down is being given on the 4:33pm job.

4:35pm - Battery in progress. 3921 W Fullerton. Three guys who are 21 yrs old are fighting in the street.

4:49pm - EMS run. 3143 N Hamlin.

6:03pm - Person w/ a gun. Palmer and Kedvale. Male Hispanic teen on a bike is standing by the store, with a gun.

6:04pm - Now the 6:03pm job is Shots Fired. One was fired. He's heading west towards Keeler.

6:06pm - A slow down is given on the 6:03/6:04pm jobs. Officers say the kid on the bike is now heading north, towards Belden.

6:28pm - CTA bus disturbance at Belmont and Milwaukee. CTA bus #6833 has a female aboard, smoking.

6:29pm - Shots Fired. Fullerton and Keeler.

6:44pm - Beat car 2524 gets a job on the PDT.

6:46pm - Multiple tickets are coming in for Shots Fired. Belmont and Monticello. Belmont and Central Park. A person shot ticket is coming in at 3137 N Monticello, with a pregnant female shot in the back.

6:49pm - A second call just came in for the pregnant female shot. Oh my god...

6:50pm - This is bona fide. Horrible. We need to pray for this female.

6:51pm - 14th District had calls as well. Also, the offenders are four male Hispanics who have on all black clothing.

6:52pm - The offenders are running northbound in the 3200 block of N Lawndale. It's being said this occurred on 17's side.

6:53pm - I see several units speeding towards the scene. Also, the vitcim is being taken to Illinois Masonic.

6:54pm - I switched the radio over to Zone 1 for a moment. A 25th district officer tells the dispatcher the offenders fled towards Lawndale on Belmont.

6:58pm - The vitcim is saying this happened on 25's side. She says she was shot in the T alley of Monticello.

6:59pm - Within the last five to ten minutes, witnesses tell officers that the offenders ran eastbound on School from Ridgeway. They have on black hoodies and they're running fast.

7:01pm - One of the offenders is 17-18 yrs old, light complected, black hair, long barreled black gun, badge sweater and slender build.

7:02pm - The vitcim is in serious but stable condition.

7:05pm - Gang disturbance. 3000 N Central Park. Probably related to the shooting.

7:10pm - The vitcim was shot in the lower back. Also, the shooting did occurr on 25's side. 2521 has paper on it.

7:11pm - One shell casing found at 3615 W Belmont.

7:15pm - 1) Alarm. 3140 N Lowell. 2) Disturbance. 2739 N Pulaski. At the currency. Male keeps walking in and out of the location.

7:16pm - Domestic disturbance. 2905 N Karlov. The boyfriend's hassling the son and the complainant.

7:17pm - Good lord. Another vitcim just walked into OLR from this shooting.

7:18pm - This vitcim is a male in his late teens. He was shot in the right thigh.

7:20pm - Information for the police. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. Regarding the offenders from the shooting.

7:24pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Hamlin. Homeless male shaking.

7:34pm - Robbery. 2301 N Avers. Pizza guy robbed by five. Vitcim is now back at his work place on Fullerton.

7:37pm - The 7:34pm vitcim speaks some European language. He's going to draw police a picture of what happened.

7:45pm - An RD number was pulled on the shooting. It's HR619075 with the event number of 14990.

7:46pm - Allegedly, there's another crime scene at Belmont and Central Park, southwest corner.

7:51pm - Taken from the 7:34pm job was five pizzas and $15.

7:55pm - Disturbance. 2988 N Milwaukee. Something about a drunk patron at the tavern.

8:04pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Pulaski. Younger male White beating an older male Black.

8:27pm - Domestic Battery. 4129 W Oakdale. Intoxicated stepdad fighting with the grandfather.

8:28pm - Beat car 2524 has a gang disturbance and a disturbance on the Beat after lunch.

8:51pm - Battery in progress. 3607 W Fullerton. In the Tony's parking lot. Group of gang members going at it.

8:55pm - 1) Disturbance. Diversey and Killbourn. Egg throwers. 2) Prostution. Fullerton and Keeler. Female White with blonde hair working the corner.

8:57pm - Beat car 2525 gets a missing person report on the Beat.

9:24pm - Beat car 2525 has something on the Beat.

9:25pm - Gang disturbance. 2400 N Tripp. Three of them flashing signs.

9:37pm - Disturbance. 2459 N Pulaski. Complainant was removed from the bar.

9:38pm - Disturbance. 2800 block of N Killbourn. Egg throwers.

9:46pm - Missing from 3919 W. Fullerton, the hotel, is a 44 yr old male who's off the meds. He went missing at 21:40 (9:40pm) hours last night.

10:16pm - Beat 2562Eddie has a traffic stop at Wabansia and Harding.

10:17pm - Beat 2562E codes the stop as 19P.

10:27pm - Suspicious person. Killbourn and Montana. Male Hispanic in a black Station Wagon following a woman. Heading east towards Konster.

10:49pm - An outside unit wants an event number for a stop at 2130 N Lawndale.

10:50pm - Traffic accident. 2500 N Central Park. Involving a Lincoln Gas Company truck.

10:54pm - Loud music disturbance. 2900 N Avers.

11:06pm - Fire run. 2924 N Central Park. A car hit a gas line and they're smelling gas.

11:17pm - The two Central Park jobs are coded. Now, there's a building on fire at 2122 N Avers.

11:24pm - Child abuse. 3138 N Monticello. 7 yr old girl was whopped by mom with a belt. This is the same block that had that shooting about 5 hours ago, too.

11:25pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Lawndale and Shakespeare. They're loitering at the corner. 2) Criminal damage in progress. 2400 N Springfield. Three males tagging the building.

11:28pm - A slow down is given at 2400 Springfield.

11:35pm - Beat car 2525 is getting some jobs on the PDT. Also, there's a generic ticket at 3610 W Oakdale, regarding a earlier gas leak at 2924 N Central Park.

11:37pm - Shakespeare and Lawndale is coded. Nobody's out there.

11:39pm - Killbourn and Parker. Egg throwers.

11:55pm - They're acting up at Shakespeare and Lawndale again. Here's what I got. There's 20 gangbangers on the corner, commiting some egg throwing.

11:56pm - A slow down is being given at Shakespeare and Lawndale.


  1. Do you happen to know if there were shots fired near Altgeld and Ridgeway this morning around 5:00? I swear I heard some, but I was half asleep.

  2. I wouldn't know that, since I'm no longer allowed to listen to archives of the scanner (I would've gone back to check). I can ask around, though.

  3. I can confirm that there were between 8 and 12 shots fired just south of Altgeld on Ridgeway shortly after 5am.

  4. Hey Timmy-

    Thanks for all the updates tonite (you say you don't celebrate halloween, but looks like you're goin late, to me).

    Sure seemed like a lot of craziness, gunshots, etc., around the square itself, disappointing to hear it was even worse out to the west. (Don't know if you saw but Trib picked up on that shooting you mentioned).

    Happy halloween-- hope you enjoy it, even if it comes with some bad news over the scanner.


  5. Hello odc. I don't celebrate Halloween as in wearing costumes and stuff like that. I'm staying up late because it's the weekend :), and I'd like to hear what is going on this late Halloween night.

    Sorry to hear about the Square being crazy. And yes, it's been kind of crazy over here tonight, but it can be much worse. It's way more crazier as you head further south and west. I didn't know that the Tribune picked up the story until now but I know now :).

    Thanks for wishing me a happy Halloween. I hope you had a good one too.

  6. Anonymous #1 here - thanks for checking up on that for me. I noticed some graffiti on a building on the NE corner of Altgeld/Ridgeway yesterday as well, but I don't know if it is connected to the gunfire from the morning.

  7. has anyone been arrested for anything around here. It seems that the only thing the police are doing is writing parking tickets. Ive never see the police show up when I called about gangbangers. does anyone know where they live or hang out?

  8. Anonymous 9:40, I've seen a couple of arrests. Unfortunely, in today's climate and with a boss like Jody Weiss, the only real thing the police CAN do is write parking tickets. They have to have a good reason for arrests now. People, especially gangbangers, can't be arrested or fine for loitering on corners and stuff like that because the ACLU says "it violates their rights".

    As for police not responding to your calls of gangbangers, I guess that is because of, unless you give your name and are willing to sign complaints, they don't have a good reason for rolling up on a gangbanger, who can sue CPD for doing that.
