Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Frozen Eggs Thrown @ Springfield and Cortland

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:46pm. School had drama again, but the field trip was nice. Today, we learned about the Northeastern Illinois University (we went to the campus on Bryn Mawr) and financial aide offered by colleges. Also, yours truly made a speech today about my future plans of employment and about this blog. I told the audience I do this blog out of love and care for my community. I also do it because elected officals around here fail to do their job and inform. So, here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

6:04pm - Sorry, but I was sleeping. It's just been a extremely long day for me.

6:11pm - 1) Disturbance. Springfield and Cortland. Group of males on the corner throwing frozen eggs. 2) A major disturbance is brewing at the intersection of Harding and Wabansia. There appears to be a large group of males throwing up gang signs and throwing eggs.

6:19pm - Gangbangers are bangin' with the 2300 block of N Springfield.

6:20pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3824 W George. Former tenants are in the building, throwing garbage out the windows.

6:26pm - Violation order of protection. Avers and Wabansia. Ex-girlfriend's in the area and complainant does not want any trouble.

6:28pm - The CopWatch guys are at Springfield and Belden. I guess they'd like to see how the 25th District cops handle the gangbangers (since there IS a gang disturbance right there)?

6:48pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:10pm - I'm back.

7:12pm - Backlog in 25 at 19:12 hours.

7:26pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 3704 W Cortland. Problem with mom who's off the meds.

7:29pm - Someone's got a traffic stop at 2411 N Konster. Also, there's an accident at Armitage and Pulaski.

7:53pm - A woman is allegedly selling cigerettes over at Fullerton and Pulaski. At the bus stop.

8:02pm - Beat 2505 is doing something at Mozart Park.

8:03pm - They're arresting the woman from the 7:53pm job.

8:10pm - Beat 2507Adam has a loose dog at about 2400 N Pulaski.

8:13pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

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