Friday, October 23, 2009

Bulletin: Neighbor Asks For Help In Search Of Dog

BUMPED (original date of post was 10/22/09):
On this cold October night, something we can do is help out a neighbor. I received a comment from someone by the name of "enlincoln". They've lost their dog. They say...

"Please help. Tonight we lost our dog. He is a 40 lb white & brown boxer dog. His name is Boyd. His face is mostly white with a dark ring around one eye and one brown ear. He also has a white spot on his back. We live at 1948 N Richmond St. After searching the streets we feel he was probably picked up right out front of our house. He is very friendly. email me with any leads."

Again, please help this neighbor assist in looking for their dog. If you have any questions or comments, please send them here. If there's anything on the dog, email me and/or the above email adress. Thank you.

Update, 10/24/09: Enlincoln is offering a $500 reward for anybody who can find the dog. Once again, neighbors, please let them, and I, know if you find the dog. Thank you for your help in advance.

Update #2, 10/24/09 at 2:41pm - The dog, named Boyd, was found. The search is over. This is great news, and thank you to the neighbor who found him!


  1. Thank you so much for posting my bulletin. We still have heard nothing about our lost Boxer. We are offering a $500. reward to anyone who can bring him home to us.

  2. Thank you all so much again. With the reward money Boyd was returned to us last night. He had been just two block east of us. We don't know the circumstances of his "adventure" we're just happy that he home safe & healthy.

  3. No problem, enlincoln. Anything to help out a neighbor. If you ever need anything else, be sure to reach me.

  4. I'm glad you posted this and the dog was found safely. I hate to hear of a lost or stolen dog.
    And keep up all the great work you do on this blog. I'm glad someone is reporting on the out of control crime in the neighborhood.

  5. Jeff, of course I'd post it :). Anything to help out my neighbors. I hate hearing about lost/stolen animals as well.

    And no problem. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks crime has gotten out of control around here lately.

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  7. Anonymous 9pm, if you truly want to become a part of my team, you have to sign up for an account with Blogger. Then I can add you. Thanks for taking an interest.
