Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beat 2523 meeting on Wednesday

October 28, 2009 -- Good morning, everyone. I'd like to tell you all about 2523's Beat meeting that took place on Wednesday (10-28-09). This time, alot more people came than last. Heck, the room we were in was nearly full. I counted at least 10 new faces. Even a teacher from the church and private school over at Lawndale and Wolfram showed up.

The first talked about issue from last month was the homeless and bums up on Milwaukee Ave. Apparently, they have been causing so many problems that residents are getting angry. One woman took photos of these guys drinking in public, urinating on lawns, feces, etc. It was quite disgusting, to tell you the truth. Those pictures also angered and upset me a bit because we in Avondale have allowed Milwaukee (from Central Park to Belmont) to become this way. There were several complaints of the groups still doing their thing, particularly at the Shell gas station at Belmont.

There seems to be some solutions to this, however. The woman who works as the Beat Facilitator, along with another resident, have came up with a petition that will be sent to the local stores along Milwaukee, telling them not to serve these guys if they're stumbling around and the like. The other resident also wrote a letter to the businesses about it. In the letter, the problem has apparently became so large that people are being drove away from shopping on Milwaukee. Alot of folks are also starting to fear for their safety on Milwaukee.

Sergeant Weiglein told us that officers have continued to round-up the homeless/bums along Milwaukee and take them to those garden places on Madison in Downtown.

The issue at 3733 West George did not have a solution to it. One, the resident who reported the problem last month was not in attendance at the meeting and two, the police have made several attempts to contact the landlord. They haven't gotten an answer but will keep trying.

Now, moving on to the new problems:
  • 2911 North Springfield - Apparently, the problems have come back again. One resident, who was fired up, says police have done nothing about it. Sergeant Weiglein disagreed, stating police were out there in August. I can agree with the serg, since I heard the police chatter on the radio regarding this building back in August. But the resident says these problems date back to July (he gave some history to us about it). Now, this resident reports garbage all over the front steps. Liquor bottles, bags, etc. can be found there. It is a health hazard for anybody who comes in contact with the building, according to the resident. Also, a guy by the name of Mario Garcia Reyes is causing an issue. He, along with two other guys and his daughter, are violating municipal laws by blowing loud horns and other stuff like that. These problems will be taken care of by police.

  • 2900 block of North Kenosha (not in the actual neighborhood, but there were nermous complaints on this) - There has been lots of incidents on this block and it's gang related. Two residents report gang members having meetings in front of their homes, including on the meeting's date. There were allegedly some arguments brewing with shots being fired in front of a house where a gangbanger went in. These gangbangers are also causing lots of problems in the park and when they're called on, they run through the pedristian viaduct into Avondale via Wellington.

  • St. Hyanicth's (3640 W. Wolfram) - A teacher from the school reports problems with gangbangers who are scaring/harassing people coming out of the school and walking around the area. They are often loitering in front of the school. The teacher says the problem is so bad to where a POD camera is needed. I will agree with the need. As witness to groups gathering at the corner of Lawndale and Wolfram, I'd say it's time for a camera. The teacher also feels that the camera is needed because of incidents involving kids from nearby Monroe School (on 2524's Beat). To add to this, I reported that the gangbangers hang out in front of 2830 North Lawndale. I told everyone at the meeting I witness this alot as I'm coming home from school.

I am assurred by police officers that these problems will be worked on, and I do believe it will happen. Residents, especially along the stretch of Milwaukee, I encourage that you take a stand and report to the police the problems that Milwaukee Ave. is suffering from. I never saw it this bad in my life.

The meeting was good and interesting. I really enjoyed this meeting. I will also try my very best to attend the next one on December 9 at 7:00pm, Copericus Center, 3160 North Milwaukee.

Other observations:
On this Beat, there were 300 calls for service. We've had 120 reported crimes with 29 arrests. Most of the crime seems to be on the 3000 block of North Davlin. Most of the crime appears to take place on Saturdays. The highest reported crime was still Theft. Most crimes were still reported in the 8pm and 10pm hours.

1 comment:

  1. Great reporting. Thanks for keeping us updated on these meetings.
