Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yelling and Flashing On Deming

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 5:08pm. Today has been a tiring day, but it's a three day weekend. I plan on doing some relaxing. Anyway, as you probably know, I attended my Beat meeting last night. I have to say, going for the first time ever, it was really interesting. So interesting that I'm going again next month. I found out A TON of information that I didn't know before. Stuff I don't hear on the scanner. I can tell you the rest, but it may take up this entire post. Would you all like me to do a separate post for my observations on last night? Also, tonight is going to be cloudy with lows in the 60s. Tomorrow, we'll have some rain with highs in the 70s. Here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

5:02pm - Gang disturbance. 4450 W Deming. Five of them, flashing signs and yelling.

5:06pm - Robbery. 3192 N Milwaukee. The father apparently had something taken from him, but it sounds like a Battery to me. Anyway, a male and female came in and beat him up. He had some teeth knocked out. This address came up as a problem place in last night's Beat meeting.

5:11pm - Polish speaker needed at the 5:06pm job.

5:17pm - Person calling for help. 2146 N Avers. Woman screaming with Spanish arguing in the background.

5:27pm - Person w/ a gun. 4408 W Altgeld. Male Hispanic, white shirt and blue jean shorts pointed a gun at the complainant's chest. He fled westbound in a 2001 blue car.

5:31pm - Some more information has came out regarding the 5:27pm job. The offender got into the car with four other male Hispanics. There's some damage to the car, involving a light on the back of the car.

5:33pm - The 5:06pm vitcim is requesting EMS.

5:34pm - The 5:27pm job is being coded 19Boy.

5:40pm - Two RD numbers have been pulled from the 5:06pm job. It's HR554347 with the event number of 13566. The second RD is HR554348. The event number is the same for both RDs. The RDs were pulled for Battery.

5:41pm - Person w/ a gun. Central Park and McLean. Male Hispanic, brown shirt has a gun tucked in his waistband. He's sitting in the Funston school park with another male and a female. Beat car 1413 was orginally assigned to it but was correct to say that the park is on 25's side.

5:47pm - The 5:41pm job is coded 19B.

5:51pm - 1) Person wanted. 1615 N Lawndale. 2) Disturbance. 3801 W Wabansia. Kids on bikes throwing rocks at METRA trains. 3) Disturbance. 3119 N Milwaukee. 4) Traffic accident. 3114 N Harding. 5) Suspicious person. 2833 N Harding.

5:58pm - Assault in progress. 3638 W North.

6:04pm - Battery in progress. 2010 N Karlov. Three males drinking and fighting. Orginally started out as a disturbance at 4100 W Armitage.

6:27pm - EMS run. 3806 W George. Male, 40, was shaking on the ground and bleeding. He fell.

6:30pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:00pm - I'm back.

7:30pm - EMS run. 3100 N Springfield. Male down.

7:56pm - There are jobs at 3034 N Central Park and 3120 N Lawndale.

8:04pm - Supsicious person. Shakespeare and Lawndale. Three male teens walking around, going through garbage cans and looking at people's houses. One's wearing a hoodie and the other two have on zip-up sweaters. Heading west on Shakespeare.

8:15pm - Parker on 2524's Beat.

8:34pm - Check the well being. 2959 N Springfield. Something about a father and daughter. Someone's going southbound on Springfield.

8:58pm - The 8:34pm job is being coded 19B.

9:09pm - They're calling back on the 5:27pm job. This time it's a domestic. Niece VS complainant.

9:45pm - Barking dog. 2648 N Hamlin.

9:56pm - Beat 2563Eddie is doing a follow-up at 3127 N Springfield.

10:10pm - Person w/ a knife. Monticello and Barry. Gangbangers on the street with knives, about to fight. I hope the person who lives over there who attended last night's meeting is ok.

10:17pm - Beat 2563E is heading in with one from Belmont and Springfield.

10:19pm - 1) Disturbance. Fullerton and Pulaski. Male in a black limo harassing the complainant, attempting to get them into the vehicle. 2) Loud music disturbance. 4334 W Parker.

10:27pm - Person down. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. Male. Also, the 10:10pm job is coded 19P and the 9:48pm job is 5Paul.

11:22pm - A 2563 unit is going in with one from 4130 W Belden.

11:31pm - DUI driver. Belmont and Central Park. Heading west.

11:34pm - There's something in the coverage area.

11:37pm - 1) Disturbance. 3008 N Davlin. 2) Disturbance. 2856 N Ridgeway.

11:55pm - The 11:31pm job is coded.


  1. I'd definitely like to hear about the beat meeting!

  2. I'd like to hear about the beat meeting, too.

    Also, I'm at Kimball and Wrightwood. Last night around 10:30, I was out front watering my flowers and a squad car stopped to ask if I'd seen a woman out there "kicking cars." Weird.

  3. Looking forward to any additional perspective you can give on the beat meeting.


  4. I would also love to hear about the Meeting. And hopefully I will attend the next one. Keep us posted! I'm also on Ridgeway and Diversey!

  5. Thanks to everyone who wants to hear how the Beat meeting went :). When I get back from the 911 center tonight, I will.

    Anonymous 11:03, wow, that sure does sound weird. I wouldn't doubt if it were a person who had mental issues, though, because to me it sounds like something a mental person would do, not to be offensive or anything.
