Friday, September 11, 2009

Panic alarm on Killbourn

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:05am. Today is excepted to be another warm day with a high of 80 today. And since it's Friday, things are probably going to pop off this afternoon/evening. Anyway, in the 4 or 5pm hour this afternoon, I'm taking a nap so I can stay up until at least midnight or 1am since it's the weekend. So, here is crime before I leave this morning and for this afternoon/evening.

5:19am - Panic alarm. 3111 N Killbourn.

5:28am - Commerical alarm. 4030 W Wrightwood. At Aldi's.

6:02am - Beat car 2535 is doing a premise check at 1747 N. Springfield, the pumping station.

6:13am - I forgot about this, but today is also 9/11. 8 years have gone by since that tragic day. So, out of respect for vitcims, loved ones, etc., I just took a moment of slience (as did the radio). I'm asking all readers to please observe today with a moment of slience, if you can.

6:40am - I have to go. I'll be back later. Have a great day, everyone :).

3:26pm - I'm back :). Good afternoon.

3:37pm - Assault. 1924 N Harding. Complaint was threatened by the neighbor.

3:40pm - 1) Battery. 2250 N Hamlin. Complainant got into a fight. 2) Municipal ordinance violation. 2020 N Hamlin. Male selling cigerrates.

3:51pm - Violation order of protection. 2440 N Central Park. Someone with an order against them is outside right now.

4:00pm - I'm going to take a nap until 5:00pm. I'll be back.

4:47pm - I'm back earlier than excepted. Anyway, Beat car 2521 had a traffic stop at 2500 N Avers and will be taking in a TBD now.

4:51pm - Disturbance. 3067 N Avers. 6 to 7 males drinking.

4:57pm - The 4:51pm job is coded. The males are moving along.

5:09pm - Criminal damage. Barry and Haussen. Couple of males tagged the building on the corner.

5:15pm - Disturbance. 3840 W Wabansia.

5:31pm - WTH is up with this corner lately? This is the THIRD day in a row for police being called regarding gangbangers at Wrightwood and Lawndale. There's 10 of them acting rowdy with sticks. Someone's going to get shot sooner or later with the way they're acting up over there.

5:43pm - This didn't take long. Anyway, there is a call of a fight coming in at the Monroe School parking lot, Wrightwood and Monticello. 15 males are fighting with bats and sticks. Beat car 2524 says they were just over there but will go back.

5:53pm - Beat 2504AdamBoy is doing park check at Kelyvn.

5:57pm - Reckless driver. Armitage and Central Park. A car with a plate of X192450 is speeding westbound. This person resides on Latrobe on 2515's Beat.

6:18pm - Beat 2504AB is doing a park check at Koz.

6:19pm - Gang disturbance. Ken-Well Park. They're having a meeting with general gangbang stuff included. Also, Beat 2504AB is running a name over at Koz.

6:22pm - Battery in progress. Schubert and Springfield. People fighting in the park. Wait, hold on a second. 2504AB is at the park right now. I think if they saw something, they would've reported it to dispatch. Or maybe nothing's going on.

6:27pm - The event number from the 6:18pm thing is 15247.

6:28pm - The 6:22pm job is coded 1Frank.

6:29pm - Battery in progress. 3607 W Fullerton. At Tony's. Two males and a security guard fighting.

6:36pm - Domestic Battery. 2134 N Karlov. Boyfriend attack complainant. Also, there's something about a bike at 4122 W Dickens.

6:54pm - Suspicious person. 3100 block of N Springfield. In the alley between Springfield and Davlin, 3 males are standing there. Cars keep going by. Drug dealing is suspected.

7:04pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon :).

7:20pm - I'm back from eating :).

7:42pm - Beat car 2524 is on a traffic stop at 2710 N Lawndale.

7:51pm - Holding the offender. 3607 W Fullerton. At Tony's.

8:15pm - 1) Open door. 3713 W Shakespeare. Side door. 2) Disturbance. 3000 block of N Monticello. Loud group of guys.

8:24pm - The Monticello guys are having their IDs ran.

8:26pm - Domestic disturbance. 2444 N Kildare. Problem with the ex over seeing the kids.

8:38pm - Someone's on a stop at Belmont and Milwaukee.

8:52pm - Beat 2566Adam is on a traffic stop at Belmont and Avers.

9:05pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 3110 N Lawndale. 2) Battery in progress. 3748 W Diversey. Male beating female in basement. 3) Disturbance in coverage area. 4) Alarm. 2658 N Central Park. 5) Parker. On 2524's Beat.

9:57pm - Traffic accident. Keystone and Armitage.

10:03pm - A unit is doing a premise check at 1747 N Springfield.

10:23pm - Assault. 2449 N Tripp. Complaint was yelled and cussed at by the neighbor.

11:03pm - Narcotics. 2925 N Springfield.

11:18pm - Shots fired. Wabansia and Harding. 4 to 5 gunshots heard with a red car fleeing north on Springfield.

11:19pm - Assault. 2018 N Karlov. Complainant claims he was threatened by two cops in marked unit #9522.

11:20pm - A couple of more calls are coming in on the 11:18pm job.

11:27pm - Domestic disturbance. 2641 N Springfield. 29 yr old son just got out of jail. Complaint owes him money. If he doesn't get, he's going to burn the house down.

11:30pm - Parker. 4300 block of W Parker.

11:39pm - DUI driver. 2907 N Karlov. Male Hispanic with a black shirt and shorts got into a red four door car. He took forever to park it and then he got back in.

11:54pm - Person w/ a gun. 2723 N Lawndale. Husband just pulled out a gun. Intoxicated husband pulled a gun out because he was asked to stop making so much noise. He's got the gun on the side of the bed.

11:57pm - Beat 2550 needs another car at the 11:19pm job.

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