Saturday, September 26, 2009

Loud Music on Lyndale

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:01am. Today, I'm monitoring 14. I haven't done that in a while. Anyway, today is supposed to be in the 70s with more rain ( So, here's crime for today.

12:03am - Loud music disturbance. 3046 W Lyndale. From the hallway. With that, I'm off to do some other stuff then I'm off to bed. Good night, everyone.

9:00am - I'm back. Good morning.

9:11am - Assault in progress. 2953 N Gresham. Two tenants arguing over a car fire and electricity.

9:13am - Battery. 1832 N Kedzie. Landlord struck the complainant. They're still arguing.

9:40am - Beat 1489 is checking out an abandoned building at 3417 W Armitage.

9:43am - Suspicious person. 2600 N Western. Male Hispanic with a black hat, black t-shirt, dark pants and sunglasses checking out cars by the AMC theater.

9:46am - Traffic accident. Damen and Armitage. Male hit by car.

9:49am - Traffic accident. 2160 N Milwaukee. Property damage. One car's not drivable.

9:53am - The 9:43am job is being coded, and the responding unit now asks for an event number for crime reduction by the skateboard park. It's 06812.

9:55am - Beat 1465 tells dispatch if there was a "Vice In Progress" at Bloomingdale and California, it can be coded.

10:01am - An RD number has been pulled from the 9:46am job. It's HR557164 with the event number of 06622.

10:11am - Traffic accident. Logan and Elston. Car vs truck.

10:25am - Person w/ a gun. 2645 N Elston. In the MicroCenter parking lot is a male threatening the complainant with a gun. Offender claims he's the po-po. He's in a Chyrstal. The car has a plate of H319XXX.

10:27am - A slow down is being given. Cook County Sheriff may be the offender.

10:31am - Parker. 3000 N Whipple. Cars are parked in the premit zone and they need to set up for an alleged carnival.

10:33am - Parker. 3558 W Wabansia. Grey Ford Tarus illegally parked in the rear.

10:36am - The 10:25am job is being coded 19P. The caller is an idiot, according to a responding officer. The Sheriff was an off duty who told this caller that he did something wrong, the caller got mad and argued or whatever which caused this Sheriff to take out their gun.

10:41am - The 10:31am job is being coded 19Charlie. No evidence of a carnival.

11:03am - A unit asks for an event number at 2001 N Milwaukee. It's 07851.

11:11am - Criminal trespass in progress. 2344 W Belden. Male White with a blue baseball cap was just seen going into the rear of a vacant house.

11:14am - Auto Theft in progress. 1647 N Maplewood. Female Hispanic, green sweater and blue jeans is trying to get into a tan SUV.

11:26am - Information for the police. Oakely and Belden. Complainant found a blood-soaked shirt in the trash can on the southwest corner.

11:31am - Traffic accident. Diversey and Sacramento.

11:37am - Domestic Battery. 2603 W Cortland. Husband hit the complainant. There was a call here before, at about 8:50 this morning.

11:38am - The 11:26am job is being coded. No foul play suspected.

11:40am - Traffic control. Armitage and the Kennedy. Truck struck under the viaduct.

12:08pm - Battery in progress. 2840 N Rockwell. Two males fighting.

12:13pm - The 12:08pm job is coming over as an "Assault in progress" as well now.

12:14pm - A slow down is being given on Rockwell.

12:28pm - Battery in progress. 2830 W McLean. Teens fighting in the street.

12:49pm - Something over at the Logan Skateboarding park regarding kids.

12:58pm - Suspicious person. 2300 block of W Lyndale.

12:59pm - Assault in progress. 1800 W Armitage. At the gas station. Male, 40s with glasses, is threatening two other males with a steel baseball bat.

1:11pm - A disregard is being given on the 12:59pm job.

1:27pm - Traffic accident. 1600 N Califorina. Female hit by car.

1:28pm - Domestic disturbance. 2915 N Allen. Problem with the stepfather who slammed the door on the complainant. He's also arguing with them.

1:29pm - Loud music disturbance. McLean and Campbell.

1:32pm - Loud music disturbance. 2826 N Rockwell.

1:33pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 2100 block of N Spaulding. Three males, two of them Whites with grey sweaters and jeans. The third male is Hispanic with a black hoodie. They've jumped over the gate of the maroon building, waiting by the basement.

1:46pm - Child abuse. Milwaukee/Diversey/Kimball. Male in a white 4-door Buick is beating two small children in his car while driving. The car has a plate of 9647126. The car is heading towards Central Park on Milwaukee.

1:58pm - EMS run. 2941 W Lyndale. The complainant found the nephew with a towel wrapped around his head and lots of blood in the garage. They think he killed himself.

2:09pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 1:58pm job. It's HR557545 with the event number of 10682.

2:17pm - Disturbance. 1700 block of N Hoyne. In the south alley, a female is knocking over garbage cans and breaking glass.

2:20pm - Domestic Battery. 1850 N Fairfield. Someone hit someone and there's lots of yelling in the background.

2:36pm - Theft. 2704 N Califorina. Male Black with a black hoodie stole a yellow purse out of a car. Complainant's boyfriend is chasing him. Also, there's a parker on 1411's Beat, along with a gang disturbance at 3534 W Barry. Group of them flashing signs, walking towards their corner at Central Park.

2:42pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Spaulding and Armitage. Five of them loitering on the corner. 2) Narcotics. 3435 W Cortland. Two males selling drugs out of a car.

2:47pm - 1) Disturbance. Milwaukee and Kedzie. At the Blue Line station. Male teen is selling flyers on the platform in the subway. If someone refuses to take it, he cusses them out. 2) Parker. 3044 N Spaulding. Small blue car parked in the alley.

2:54pm - Beat 1410 is requesting a unit to block off traffic at Califorina on Lyndale. This is from the suicide (it sounds like a Homicide because they're saying "crime scene") at 2941 W Lyndale.

3:39pm - Theft. Richmond and Logan. Male Hispanic or Black wearing all black broke into a white SUV.

3:40pm - Parker. 2420 W Medill. Large landscaping truck on the residential.

3:43pm - There was a job in the 3500 block of W Medill.

3:46pm - Domestic disturbance. 1901 N Richmond. Boyfriend is assaulting the complainant.

4:15pm - Disturbance. Armitage and Wood. Man yelling at people in the gas station.

4:21pm - Parker. Francisco and Logan.

4:44pm - Information for the police. 28XX W McLean. Four intoxicated males are getting into a white vehicle.

4:49pm - Prostitution. Armitage and Sawyer. Female Hispanic, white top, blue jean shorts is solicting.

4:53pm - Beat 1495 just on-viewed an accident at 1841 N Central Park. Property damage only for now.

5:05pm - Check the well being. 1841 N Kedzie. Complainant wants police to check on the daughter. The daughter doesn't live in the "best of neighborhoods". She has not been heard from in 2 weeks and that's highly rare.

5:06pm - 1) Disturbance. 1618 N Califorina. Two older people loitering. 2) Narcotics. 2719 N Artesian. Gangbangers are pretending to play basketball and football but must really be doing drugs. 3) Suspicious vehicle. 2727 W Belmont. Dispatch is sending it to 17, but it's on 14's side.

5:10pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 4:53pm on-view. It's HR557817 with the event number of 13639.

5:12pm - Sex offense. 2002 W Armitage. Male and female having sex in the alley.

5:14pm - They're calling back on the 3:40pm job.

5:15pm - 1) Disturbance. 2535 N Kedzie. Female aggressively panhandling. She's giving people who don't contribute a hard time. 2) Barking dog. 2322 N Spaulding.

5:31pm - Loud music disturbance. 1827 N Drake.

5:36pm - Disturbance. 1832 N Califorina. Homeless male laying in the alley.

5:37pm - 1) Beat 1405 is on a detail at Kedzie and Logan for a music fest. 2) Disturbance. 2873 N Drake. Loud group of people in the back.

5:42pm - Burglary in progress. 3558 W Shakespeare. The neighbor's door has been kicked in and the place looks like it was robbed. Also, there's a person with a gun at 1950 N Kimball. Male Hispanic, blue shirt and khaki pants is standing on the southwest corner by the bus stop.

5:43pm - Suspicious person. 3400 W Armitage. Sounds like the same thing as the Kimball.

5:46pm - A slow down is being given on Kimball. Also, it sounds like the door on Shakespeare is open.

5:50pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Califorina. 8 of them near the Kennedy Expressway flashing signs and throwing bottles. Right away, it's coded by 1412 because they just passed by there.

5:52pm - Beat 1410 wants 1414 to meet him on Shakespeare. Also, a disregard is being given there. The apartment is clear.

5:55pm - There was somethibg in the coverage area.

6:04pm - They're calling back on the 5:50pm job.

6:10pm - Gang disturbance. Wabansia and Humboldt. Several flashin' signs.

6:16pm - Battery in progress. 2119 N Western. Male and female fighting.

6:31pm - Info for the police. 2052 N Western.

6:32pm - Disturbance. 2958 N Gresham. People yelling and screaming in the street.

6:34pm - Beat 1405 is checking the Skateboard Park @ Logan and Western. Event number is 15351.

6:43pm - Ambulance needed at Drake and Milwaukee for someone.

6:52pm - A unit has a traffic stop at 1943 W Cortland.

7:03pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:30pm - I'm back.

7:40pm - Suspicious person. 2114 N Spaulding. Male on a ladder, against the utility pole, in the alley between Kimball and Spaulding. He's not from a business.

7:43pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 2952 W Nelson. 20 yr old nephew attacked the complainant. 2) Auto Theft report. 2506 N Sacramento.

7:44pm - A unit has a stop at 2353 W Armitage.

7:53pm - The wagon is needed at 2952 W Nelson to transport someone. Also, there's a loud party at 1734 N Spaulding.

7:55pm - Parker. 2423 N Califorina. 4-door blocking the driveway.

7:56pm - Parker. 2105 W Concord. Teal-colored vehicle parked at the hydrant for 24 hours.

8:03pm - Disturbance. Western and Logan. Skateboarders in the parking lot.

8:09pm - Disturbance. 2834 W Palmer. People have the alley blocked off with gates and nobody can get through.

8:24pm - Loud music disturbance. Wellington and Califorina.

8:26pm - Domestic Battery. 3335 W Diversey. Complainant was beaten up by the father. He's still there.

8:34pm - 1) EMS run. 3034 W Fullerton. Male passenger in a sliver Hatchback passed out. Unknown what's wrong. 2) Loud music disurbance. 2143 N Humboldt.

8:40pm - Vicious animal. 3210 W Wabansia. Loose dog on the block. Someone's laying on the ground and the dog's standing over it.

8:44pm - 1) Burglar alarm. Kedzie and Wellington. At the daycare center. 2) Loud music disturbance. 3007 N Gresham.

8:47pm - Beat car 1432 asks for an event number for Burglary SOB mission. It's 18097.

8:51pm - Loud music disturbance. 2229 N Leavitt.

8:52pm - The 8:47pm mission is coded 19P.

8:54pm - Loud music disturbance. 2900 N Califorina.

9:11pm - They're calling back on the 1:27pm job.

9:15pm - Peeping tom. 3126 N Kedzie. Male Hispanic wearing all black peeking through the windows.

9:16pm - 1) Alarm. 3202 W North. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2420 N Drake. Coming from cars. 3) They're calling back at 3558 W Shakespeare.

9:22pm - The 9:15pm job is being coded.

9:27pm - Disturbance. 3142 W North. At the Citgo gas station. A male is high on drugs and he's harassing a female. He won't let her get in her car. Also, there's a suspicious person call at 3105 N Bernard. Unknown male just pulled her over, claming to be police.

9:29pm - Person wanted. 2048 N Oakely. Female that stole money from the son is out in front.

9:32pm - Loud music disturbance. 2059 N Mozart.

9:35pm - Traffic accident. 2934 N Milwaukee. Cab involved. No injures.

9:39pm - A unit has a handwaver at 2952 N Gresham. Also, a loud music disturbance @ 2343 N Rockwell.

9:40pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 3501 W Lyndale. 18 yr old son out of control and tearing up the house.

9:54pm - Gang disturbance. Belmont and Kimball. Male flashing signs and throwing bottles.

10:03pm - A unit is asking for an event number from 2547 W Fullerton regarding loitering. It's 19784.

10:04pm - Person down. 1622 N Califorina. Male in his 60s with his clothes hanging off of him and a 40 ounce beer in his hand is laying in the alley.

10:05pm - Parker. 3503 W Medill. Black 2-door parked in the tow zone for several hours.

10:06pm - The 10:05pm job is coded 6Paul.

10:09pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 9:35pm job. It's HR558189 with the event number of 19899.

10:10pm - Domestic disturbance. 2247 W Fullerton. Problem with the boyfriend.

10:11pm - 1) DUI driver. 3553 W Belmont. Blue Dodge cutting off people. I guess the driver's drunk or drinking. He's driving through the alley. 2) They're calling back on the 8:54pm job.

10:16pm - Loud music disturbance. 1742 N Spaulding.

10:17pm - Beat 45Sam15Adam has a traffic stop at Drake and McLean.

10:20pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2012 W Willow. 2) Disturbance. 2230 W Cortland. In Erhler Park. Large group of teens. The park is supposed to be closed. 3) Gang disturbance. Oakely and Dickens. Three of them.

10:21pm - 1) Disturbance. 3572 W Dickens. Loud group. 2) Parker. 2900 block of N Sawyer. Premits.

10:31pm - Criminal damage in progress. 2109 N Sawyer. Three males with black hoodies are tagging garages in the alley. They're walking to Armitage and they're covering their heads.

10:36pm - They're calling back on the Willow music. Officers didn't do anything. They can't because the callers are anonymous (you need a name to sign complaints).

10:37pm - The 10:16pm job is coded 4Frank.

10:39pm - 1) Disturbance. Dickens and Winchester. Extremely loud party. 2) They're calling back at 2343 N Rockwell.

10:43pm - 1) The large group of teens from Erhler Park are now running through the alley at 2233 W Homer. 2) Parker. 1909 W Arimtage. Dark blue SUV parked at the bus stop.

10:46pm - Shots fired. 2950 W Palmer. 15 heard.

10:54pm - 1) Disturbance. 1700 N Talman. 20 males in black making noise in the alley. 2) Check the well being. 2525 N Milwaukee. Male caller requesting police. Was very uncooperative and hung up. 3) Suspicious vehicle. 2533 N Sacramento. The car alarm was turned off but now the car won't start. Caller isn't sure if it's the owner or if it's a thief.

10:57pm - Alarm. 2570 N Elston. At Home Depot.

10:58pm - Loud music is now being called in at 2015 W Willow. Now someone's singing, too.

10:59pm - Disturbance. 1800 N Richmond. The street's still blocked off from the block party.

11:04pm - 1) They're calling back in the Drake and Milwaukee area for loud music. Coming from the bar this time. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2721 N Artesian.

11:05pm - Parker. 2604 N Drake. Rent truck on the residential.

11:07pm - Loud music disturbance. 1750 N Spaulding.

11:17pm - 1) Disturbance. 3400 block of W Shakespeare. In the alley between Shakespeare and Dickens, there is a loud party. 2) Narcotis. Belmont and Kedzie. They're smoking weed under the viaduct.

11:25pm - Loud music disturbance. 3137 N Kimball. Live band in the backyard.

11:28pm - Loud party somewhere on Cortland.

11:31pm - Disturbance. Wabansia and Oakely. Large group of people screaming.

11:33pm - Now the 11:31pm job is coming in as an Assault in progress, then a Battery in progress. Pushing, shoving and rough talk going on. Then a fight breaks out. An exact address of 1660 N Oakely is also given.

11:34pm - The group is dispersing in different directions.

11:38pm - Disturbance. 2100 N Oakely. Arguing in the alley.

11:42pm - They're calling back on the 1700 block of N Spaulding for the loud music.

11:44pm - Disturbance. 2843 W Lyndale. Loud party with garbage cans blocking the alley.

11:50pm - The 2000 block of W Willow is calling AGAIN. Also, there's a suspicious person at Moffat and Western. Male is going westbound, playing with the doors on cars.

11:54pm - Battery in progress. Drake and Cortland. Gang fight with males and females.

11:56pm - Gang disturbance. Woodard and Spaulding.

11:59pm - A slow down is being given on the 11:54pm job.

12:00am - This concludes my coverage of 14. I'll be back with 14 in October and 17 tomorrow.


  1. man! every time i read this, i can't get over how much crime there is within even 1 mile of my apartment. I don't walk alone outside after dark that often anymore!

  2. No problem, akilduff.

    Marjie, agreed. Within the recent days, I just started going out at night. Before this week, I was only out at night a few times in my whole life. It's pretty rough at night around me, as it probably is in the rest of the 'hood.
