Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shots fired on Lowell

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:26am. Today, there is supposed to be some severe weather, so everyone be careful. Also, I'm going to try my best to mointor 17 from 7:51 to 9:20pm tonight. Here is crime for today.

5:29am - Shots fired. 2400 N Lowell. Several shots fired by two male Hispanics fleeing east on Fullerton.

5:46am - Check the well being. 3100 block of N Central Park. Asian male, 16-20 yrs of age, yellow shirt, running south towards Milwaukee. He's banging on cars, yelling and screaming.

5:48am - They're also calling at Central Park and Milwaukee. Male is screaming for the police.

6:03am - Beat car 2522 is relocating one into 25 from the 5:46/5:48am jobs.

6:16am - A 5:29am offender was found at 2324 N Konster. They're taking him into 25.

6:17am - Parkers. On 2523's beat.

6:18am - Beat 2533 asks what time the first call came out. That was at 05:29 hours. Also, an RD number has been pulled, beginning with the digits of HR381.

6:26am - I have to go for a little while. I'll be back.

9:11am - I'm back.

9:21am - Beat car 2570 asks for an event number for a premise check at Kelyvn Park High School. It's 05444.

9:38am - Criminal trespass. 2822 N Hamlin. Male just came into the complaint's apartment while they were washing up.

9:46am - Theft. 3934 W Diversey. At Walgreens. Male White Hispanic, bald, brown striped shirt, goatee just stole some merchandise. He fled north on Harding then east on George. He's on a bike.

9:54am - Wanted from the 9:46am job is a male White Hispanic, 5'6, 200 pounds, brown jumpsuit (possibly UPS), shaven head on a cheap black mountain bike. He stole a bunch of cosmetic stuff.

9:57am - Theft in progress. 2431 N Lawndale. Some people are attempting to take the complaint's things. These people try to set the vitcim's house on fire last night. They have a white van as a get-a-way.

9:59am - Open door. 2059 N Keeler. Basement.

10:01am - Beat 2570 is on scene at the 9:59am job.

10:03am - Disturbance. 2525 N Lowell. Man and woman arguing.

10:04am - A slow down is given at the 9:57am job.

10:08am - Beat car 2521 is relocating to Kelyvn Park High School.

10:14am - Another unit is needed at the 10:03am job.

10:40am - Disturbance. 3110 N Milwaukee. Male panhandling and urinating in front.

12:06pm - Domestic Battery. 2048 N Hamlin. Complaint was hit by the boyfriend.

12:16pm - Beat 2525 asks for park check at Mozart.

12:29pm - Person with a gun. Wabansia and Ridgeway. Male Black by the name of Robert DeShaun Jackson is threatening to shoot the complaint. He's driving around in.

12:33pm - Domestic disturbance. 2109 N Hamlin. Disturbance with the roommate.

12:34pm - A slow down is given on the 12:29pm job.

1:54pm - Shots fired. Belmont and Central Park. Several shots heard.

1:58pm - Beat car 2523 says nobody's complaining of shots fired at the 1:54pm job. She'll drive around for a little bit then code it.

2:01pm - Disturbance. 3900 W Fullerton. Male Hispanic, red shirt, blue jeans, black ski mask has a rock in his hand and he threw a bottle.

2:44pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. Traffic pursuit. Division and Mayfield. Heading northbound. This subject is wanted for a carjacking that occurred in the 12th district. State police were chasing this vehicle on the 290 Expressway, along with the 11th and 12th districts. At around 2:40pm, the chase entered 15 from Cicero. They chased it all the way to Division.

2:45pm - Approaching Division and Austin. Going into Oak Park.

2:46pm - The chase is in Oak Park. I'll stop mointoring for now.

2:47pm - Subject is coming back into Chicago.

2:48pm - Now they're in Chicago. Going west on North Avenue towards Narrangset.

2:49pm - Going north on New England towards Bloomingdale.

2:50pm - Beat 2550 is telling all units to terminate the chase. Units are still chasing. Dispatch repeatedly yells at units to stop.

2:51pm - The subject is heading east on Armitage.

2:52pm - They're in the area of Bloomingdale and Rutherford now.

2:53pm - Northbound on Nagle, heading towards possibly towards Fullerton.

2:54pm - Beat car 2599 is telling all units to stop this chase.

2:56pm - Someone's got the van at Normandy and Bloomingdale.

2:59pm - He's going east on Lake from Austin. Officer on scene says it was crazy when he flew by.

3:01pm - The subject has bailed on foot. Waller and West End. He's now running on foot.

3:04pm - The subject is running on the 100 block of N Waller.

3:06pm - The offender is in custody. Great job to all officers involved!

3:10pm - Domestic disturbance. 2614 N Harding. Brother is trying to fight the family.

3:12pm - A backlog is being put into 25. 15:12 hours.

3:25pm - Disturbance. 3140 N Davlin. Several males entering the abandoned garage.

3:27pm - They're also calling in the 3:25pm job as Davlin and Milwaukee.

3:32pm - 1) Child left alone. 4427 W Montana. Three kids left alone on the 1st floor. 2) Loud music disturbance. On 2525's beat. 3) Assault. On 2525's beat.

3:52pm - Person with a gun. 2100 N Karlov. Four males walking southbound on Karlov from Dickens like they have guns.

3:57pm - Beat 2525 gets a generic on the PDT.

4:06pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 3743 W Belmont. At the East Village Youth hall. Front overheard motion. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2821 N Konster. 3) Traffic accident. 3814 W George. Sliver car.

4:08pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 2409 N Ridgeway. With the landlord.

4:12pm - Suspicious person. Fullerton and Avers.

4:22pm - Beat car 2505 does a park check at Kelyvn.

4:34pm - Parker. 2311 N Pulaski. Premit.

4:35pm - Beat car 2524 gets some 20 sector jobs.

4:58pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Ridgeway and Fullerton. Four male Hispanics with pipes. They're flashing gang signs. 2) Disturbance. 3735 W Palmer. Four kids shooting off fireworks by the yellow bricked building.

5:08pm - At Ridgeway and Fullerton, Beat 2524 reports that the males are dispersing.

5:13pm - Domestic disturbance. 2216 N Keystone. Boyfriend won't give the child back to the complaint.

5:17pm - Beat 2505 does a park check at Koz.

5:29pm - Assault in progress. Dickens and Avers. 20 girls trying to beat up the complaint.

5:31pm - Beat car 2566Adam has a stop at 1826 N Monticello. Will be going in with one from there.

5:37pm - The 5:29pm job is coded 5Boy.

5:43pm - Beat 2525 is heading to 3628 W Shakespeare for a follow-up.

5:52pm - Beat car 2523 is on a traffic stop at Fullerton and Kildare.

5:53pm - EMS run. 2990 N Milwaukee. Female bleeding from her head.

5:56pm - Beat 2524 gets a suspicious vehicle along with some parkers.

5:59pm - Disturbance. 3181 N Milwaukee. Male Hispanic, yellow hat, white t-shirt and cargo pants is harassing costumers at the gas station.

6:19pm - Gang disturbance. 4452 W Altgeld. Several of them smoking and throwing bottles.

6:40pm - Disturbance. Wolfram and Lawndale. Male Hispanic, 19 yrs old, yellow striped shirt, blue jeans on a red mountain bike has a beer in his hand and is yelling at people.

6:44pm - Loud music disturbance. 2018 N Hamlin. In the alley.

6:51pm - Battery in progress. 2732 N Ridgeway. Landlord and tenant fighting.

6:55pm - I'm taking a much needed break to eat. I'll be back soon.

7:08pm - I'm back.

7:21pm - 1) Narcotics. 3048 N Karlov. Male White, white t-shirt with a long grey t-shirt selling crack while riding on a bike. He stops at the corner as well. 2) Parker. 4024 W Barry. Premits.

7:23pm - Domestic Battery. 1620 N Springfield. Father has been drinking and beat the mother.

7:37pm - Gang disturbance. 1727 N Springfield. In the park, they're scaring little children.

7:44pm - Domestic disturbance. 2053 N Keeler. Problem with the brother-in-law.

7:47pm - Fire run. 3107 N Haussen. Forced entry for something that's melting on a stove.

7:51pm - Switched the radio over to Zone 1, 17th district. 25 will be back on Saturday.

8:06pm - Gang disturbance. At Parkview Playlot (School and Avers), there's 10 of them representing.

8:10pm - Traffic accident. Addison and Sacramento. Hit and run.

9:20pm - I'm going to go for the night, unless something major happens and I'm notified of it.

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