Saturday, June 13, 2009

Parker on 2525's beat

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:02am. Today, it's supposed to be a bit on the chily, and rainy, side in terms of weather, which may decrease crime. I'll be mointoring 25 all day. Here is crime for today.

12:01am - Beat car 2525 gets a parker on the PDT. Good night, everyone.

8:06am - I'm back.

8:38am - Parker. 4106 W Armitage.

10:22am - Traffic accident. Keeler and Fullerton. Property damage.

10:34am - Criminal trespass. 1942 N Monticello. Three drunk males were caught going through the rear.

10:35am - Disturbance. 3801 W Belmont. By the Dunkin' Donuts. Male begging for money.

10:37am - Now the 10:35am job is coming in as an "Assault in progress". The male is threatening the store owner now.

10:54am - EMS run. 4453 W Barry. EMS requesting assist with a drunk male.

10:58am - Beat 2524 asks for a Burglary SOB mission on the beat.

11:07am - Domestic disturbance. 2330 N Springfield. Complaint's boyfriend's ex wife is on scene, causing tons of problems. She took the boyfriend's cell phone, she got in the complaint's face, etc.

11:28am - Domestic disturbance. 3033 N Hamlin. Problem with the wife.

11:56am - 1) Beat 2520 is asking dispatch to be held down at 3640 W Wolfram. 2) A backlog has been put into 25 at 11:56 hours.

12:04pm - Beat car 2513, which is a wagon today, is assigned to 3640 W Wolfram for a military helicopter that's scheduled to land. 2513 is the only unit available.

12:06pm - Disturbance. 2400 N Pulaski. At the Shell gas station. Mechanic won't give back the car keys.

12:30pm - The heilcopter flies over the area.

12:32pm - The heilcopter lands in the parking lot.

12:39pm - A citizen calls 911 regarding the heilcopter.

12:43pm - Suspicious person. 2435 N Ridgeway. Two male Black teens, about 13 to 14 yrs of age, are on the porch, trying to open the door.

12:50pm - The heilcopter landed because it's a "tradition" of some sort.

1:21pm - The 12:43pm job is coded 19Paul.

1:57pm - The heilcopter will be there until 4pm. Beat 2523 is calling for a relief.

2:22pm - EMS run. 3010 N Milwaukee. Homeless male passed out.

2:44pm - EMS run. 3119 N Killbourn. Daughter passed out.

2:52pm - 1) A new backlog has been put into 25 at 14:52 hours. 2) There was a job at 4147 W Oakdale.

3:03pm - Parker. Lawndale and Wrightwood.

3:43pm - Beat 2525 gets some parkers on the PDT.

4:41pm - Foot chase. Fullerton and Hamlin. Offender is a male Hispanic going southbound on a bike. Fleeing from Beat car 2562Boy.

4:42pm - He's in the alley between Hamlin and Avers, still going south.

4:43pm - The offender may have went south to Palmer, then back east.

4:44pm - 1) The offender is a male Hispanic with a white baseball cap, black t-shirt and pants. 2) The offender is now in the yards on the 2300 block of North Hamlin.

4:47pm - All officers on Hamlin are doing fine. They're looking for the suspect.

4:49pm - 1) Disturbance. 2039 N Avers. 2) Traffic accident. 4047 W Fullerton. Badge Honda Accord took off from the scene. Property damage. 3) Assist the citizen. 2124 N Hamlin. Complaint needs help getting the missing daughter. 4) Information for the police on 2525's beat.

4:58pm - A flash was given out from 4047 W. Fullerton, but the radio cut out.

4:59pm - The subject from the 4:41pm chase is in custody.

5:07pm - Beat car 2525 is running a plate from a parker on Keystone.

5:09pm - Person down. Hamlin and Milwaukee. Homeless male down.

5:41pm - Parker. 2020 N Hamlin. Two cars on the sidewalk.

5:47pm - A unit had a stop at Springfield and North. They're taking two into 25 from it.

5:56pm - Unit wants to know what time the 4:41pm offender was in custody at. It was 16:59 hours.

5:58pm - Person w/ a knife. Pulaski and Barry. At the gas station. Female White, skinny to medium build, pink top, black shirt and blonde hair has a knife in her purse and has just attempted to stab someone. She's a known drug dealer.

6:06pm - Beat 2566David is running a name at Fullerton and Tripp.

6:07pm - Beat car 2566D needs an assist at Fullerton and Tripp. 2534 is heading that way.

6:12pm - An RD number has been pulled from a stop at 1806 N Springfield. It's HR373786 with the event number of 15263.

6:23pm - 1) Parker. 4016 W Barry. Black Chevy taxi has been there a while. 2) Narcotics. 2439 N Harding. Gangbangers smoking marijuana. They're also loitering and etc.

6:35pm - Shots fired. Couple of tickets coming in. George and Hamlin. They're also coming in at 2948 N Hamlin and the 2900 block. 6 shots fired.

6:39pm - A slow down has been given on the 6:35pm job.

6:40pm - Domestic Battery. 4008 W Nelson. Boyfriend hit the pregnant caller. EMS was refused.

6:43pm - Beat 2534 is assisting a citizen on the 1800 block of N Harding.

6:50pm - Beat car 2566D is taking one into 25 at 18:50 hours from 4256 W Fullerton.

6:53pm - Narcotics. 3600 W Dickens. In front of the store, a male Hispanic, skinny-ish, 40s, red baseball cap is selling drugs.

6:55pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2828 N Avers. Somewhere in the area. 3) Found property. 3060 N Avers.

6:57pm - Beat 2535 gets a parker on Harding.

7:08pm - Beat car 2545 is assigned to the DOC tonight. Event number is 15633.

7:09pm - The 6:40pm vitcim needs an ambulance.

7:13pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back. By the way, Beat 2566D's event nunber from their stop is 15927.

7:42pm - I'm back.

8:04pm - Beat 2566Adam needs a transport car from a stop at Fullerton and Avers.

8:44pm - Shots fired. Hamlin and Wellington. Two shots heard and then two male Hispanics, one in a white hoodie and the other in a black hoodie, took off running in an unknown direction. Couple of tickets on this.

8:54pm - There's a job on the 2700 block of N Monticello.

9:07pm - Kidnapping in progress. Belden and Springfield. 7 to 8 male Hispanics and a male Black standing by an older white van as if they have someone in the vehicle.

9:09pm - Beat car 2520 asks for a call back on the 9:07pm job.

9:11pm - Beat 2525 is getting jobs on their beat after lunch.

9:12pm - The 8:44pm job is just now being assigned. Unreal.

9:13pm - The 8:44pm job is being coded.

9:31pm - Battery in progress. Hamlin and Belmont. Two boys fighting.

9:33pm - Robbery. Hamlin and Belden. 10 male Black teens just beat up a little boy and stole his bike.

9:42pm - The 9:31pm job is coded 19Paul.

9:43pm - Now the 9:33pm job is coming in at 3722 W Belden.

9:52pm - 1) Child abuse. 2931 N Killbourn. Mother and nephew have been abusing, I guess. 2) Assault. 2932 N Hamlin. Gangbangers threatened the complaint.

9:53pm - Beat car 2566Adam has a traffic stop at Keeler and Fullerton.

9:54pm - Now the 9:33pm job is also coming in as a "vandalism in progress" at 3740 W Belden. The offenders are now entering the school, tagging it.

9:55pm - Beat 2522 has one of the 9:33/9:54pm subjects stopped.

9:59pm - DUI driver. Pulaski and Diversey. Blue Dodge heading towards Central Park. It's got a drunk driver.

10:06pm - Disturbance. 2449 N Springfield. Noisy people.

10:11pm - 1) Beat car 2521 wants to know if there were shots fired in the vitciny of 2932 N Hamlin around 19:30 (7:30pm) hours. I personally have 18:35 and 20:44 hours. Dispatch says she didn't have any history.

10:12pm - A flash is given out from 2932 N Hamlin. Wanted for the two shootings earlier this evening in that area are three male Hispanic Spainish Cobras. One has a nickname of "Little Scrapy". His real name is Tony Vasquez (I'm assuming that's how his name is spelled). He's got the gun. He's got an IR number of 1327091. The second male's name is Jose Perez. The third subject has a nickname of Wallo. His real name is Eddie Chavadara. They're in the area and driving around in a '95 light or dark blue van. They mentioned that they shoot again sometime tonight.

10:13pm - Beat 2522 is heading to 2108 N Central Park, where one of the 9:33pm offenders happens to live.

10:17pm - Gang disturbance. North and Hamlin. Gangbangers throwing bottles at passing cars.

10:37pm - A job at 2432 N Lowell is coded 6Boy.

10:50pm - Beat car 2524 is getting a couple of disturbances on the beat.

10:53pm - 2931 N Killbourn is coded 4Paul.

11:32pm - A Gang or Tac unit is requested at 1633 N Hamlin.

11:46pm - 1) Assault in progress. 2980 N Milwaukee. Someone's threatening the complaint. 2) Suspicious vehicle. George and Avers.

11:56pm - Person wanted. 2988 N Milwakuee. The offender is wearing a blue shirt.

11:59pm - This concludes my coverage of 25 for today. I'll be back on Monday. Also, starting Monday, I will no longer cover areas south of Bloomingdale, or known as 1800N.