Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hello, everyone. I have some serious news to share with all of you. After July 1 (or before then), I will not be able to do crime blotter anymore. A check, which I got once a month, has been terminated. Because of it, we're going to have to turn our internet, cable, etc. off so we can pay for the bills for things we need. If you are interested in taking over the crime blotter for me, please, leave me a comment on here or email me. I will get you hooked up right away. But, in order to do the crime blotter, you'll need a police scanner and an account with Blogger (it's free of charge).

I am very sorry to share this news with all of you, and I absolutely regret it. I wish there was a way everything could be payed so I could continue the crime blotter, but there is not.

I will miss doing the crime blotter very much. Thank you to all of you who have read and commented over the last few months. It was great seeing so many people cared about the crime situation. Hopefully, someone else will take over and everyone will still be informed.

I don't think this is goodbye forever, though. Maybe one day, the recession will end and everyone will get the money they need.



  1. :( :( :( so sorry to hear that! blame the illinois state legislature for resisting governor quinn's last-ditch efforts to keep social services alive just so the rich people won't have to pay slightly higher taxes.

  2. Oh, no. This isn't good. Hey, kiddo, I sent you an email. Get back with me!

  3. Thanks again for your dedication to the neighborhood...we will miss you!

  4. Maybe we should start a fund? I'd be happy to chip in and help keep you connected and doing what you're doing. If anyone else feels the same, feel free to contact me

  5. That would be so nice of you, Steve. But how would I pay you back? I feel as if I should repay you if you do this for me.

  6. very sorry to hear this. wish there was a way you could keep going. this work has been very helpful. you will be missed. please make another post if you can figure out a way that others can help you continue.

  7. Hey Steve, I'm in-but I can't find your contact info?

  8. I have some hopeful news, everyone. My mother is attempting to see if she can get pay off the internet for about 6 months.

  9. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help. It would be a shame if we were to lose your reports - I've really enjoyed the work you do.
    I'm happy to chip in too, if it ends up being necessary...

  10. I love the blotter! It really kept me safe when i would plan my afternoon jog ( i knew what streets to stay off) and i could find out if what i heard at night were fireworks or gunshots. I'd like to help the fund someway as well :)

  11. i read this blog everyday and think it is so great that you have found something that you are passionate about that benefits your immediate neighborhood and community. it would terrible if you had to discontinue your blog and so i, too, would be HAPPY to help fund keeping you going!

  12. I agree Steve on starting a fund! I love this blog and recently stumbled upon it! What may we do as a community to help ?? thanks!

  13. @ Avondale Blotter

    Heres an online Fund starter I just found think it would be an excellent way to start then move into having block parties to help the cause Id love to get involved, feel free to email me

  14. forgot the URL lol...

  15. i'll pay too. add a pay-pal button. you're more important to the hood than our public officials.

  16. Thank all of you for your nice comments and trying to get funds to help me continue the blotter.

    However, I really don't know if the funds should continue, at least for now. We're trying to get our stuff on our own, but I will let you all know by next week if we're getting cheaper internet service so you guys don't have to do this fund, but if no news, you guys can continue the fund.

  17. I'll be taking the suggestion for the pay-pal button, though.

  18. this is so sad! i'd be more than willing to donate to the fund every month. you are a ray of sunshine!

  19. Would it be possible to speak with you over email? I couldn't find your email on the site. Please reach out to me at your convenience.


  20. I see that, Craig.'s got a story about it up.

  21. I'll be putting up the pay-pal link here either a little later or tomorrow on the new blog.
