Monday, May 11, 2009

Threatened with a knife on Central Park

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:08am. I return to a regular routine at school today after 3 days of Special Olympics last week. Anyway, I will be monitoring 25 before I leave this morning and until 5:07pm this afternoon. Then, I'll switch the radio over to 14 until 5:35pm. Here is crime before I leave this morning and for this afternoon.

5:58am - Domestic disturbance. 2942 N Central Park. Complaint was threatened with a knife by the roommate.

6:02am - Exact address of the 5:58am job is 2901 N Central Park. Also, I spot a unit speeding towards the job with lights/sirens.

6:19am - An RD number has been pulled on the 5:58am job. It's HR314259 with the event number of 02626. Also, this occurred on 1412's beat.

6:21am - Beat car 2524 is taking one into 25 for 2523 from the 5:58am job.

6:23am - Beat 2535 asks for a premise check at 1747 N. Springfield, the pumping station.

6:34am - Domestic disturbance. 1650 N Avers. Boyfriend kicked the caller out and won't give them their stuff.

6:35am - Suspicious person. Barry and Tripp. Two males are acting suspicious. One keeps circling the block in a white van.

6:39am - I have to go. Have a great day, everyone. I'll be back later.

3:19pm - I'm back from school.

3:21pm - Battery in progress. 4000 W Armitage 20 female teens fighting.

3:22pm - 1) Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Hamlin. No further information. 2) Criminal trespass in progress. 3651 W Schubert. At Monroe school. Female student was suspended on Friday and she's over there now. 3) Municipal ordinance violation. 1821 N Pulaski. Guys working on cars in the alley.

3:24pm - Beat car 2562Adam codes the 3:21pm job as 19Paul.

3:25pm - Person down. 2939 N Pulaski. Male down.

3:35pm - Beat 2523 is doing a follow up at 2528 N Lawndale.

4:06pm - Beat car 2505 is doing a park check at Ken-Well.

4:35pm - Gang disturbance. 3700 W Fullerton. 3 male Hispanic teens flashing gang signs.

4:47pm - Burglar report. 3811 W Wrightwood. No further information.

4:59pm - Disturbance. 3934 W Diversey. At Walgreens. Male panhandler.

5:04pm - Beat 2524 is taking one int0 25 from the 4:59pm job.

5:09pm - I'm switching over to 14.

5:12pm - Burglar alarm. 2334 W McLean. Kitchen glass break motion.

5:20pm - A unit had a stop at 1656 N Spaulding and is now taking one into 14.

5:23pm - Multiple calls of a Battery in progress on CTA bus #6525. Location is Damen/North/Milwaukee. A fight is breaking out as a result of a robbery.

5:24pm - Beat car 1424 maced someone from the 5:23pm job.

5:25pm - A slow down is given on the 5:23pm job.

5:31pm - Disturbance. 2824 W Nelson. People blocking alley.

5:35pm - I'm going to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.

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