Monday, May 25, 2009

Postitive Littering

If you walk down the 2800 block of North Ridgeway, especially by the first three or four houses off the alley, you'll notice that things are a little cleaner. Well, if anybody is wondering who cleaned up, that was me. I woke up at 6:13am. I woke up for a few minutes, then I grabbed a garbage bag, got dressed, put on my sweater and my shoes, then went to work.

I spent about 15 minutes picking up trash on the grass such as tissues, caps of beer bottles, small garbage bags, wrappers of candy, plastic bags (for things like chips and cookies) and cups. That's not all I picked up. I even picked up a pair of sunglasses and a bottle of cream or cool whip.

It felt good to go out there and pick up the trash on the street. It looks cleaner over here now. In fact, I'm so proud of doing this that it makes me want to do this every weekend. I plan on doing this again next weekend, around the same time or a little later.

I encourage all of my readers to do their part and clean up the trash on their streets. It will make you feel good, you'll get a breath of fresh air and you'll hopefully discourage the litters from throwing their trash on the ground.

If you have any comments to share, please by all means do.


  1. Thanks for the clean up! It shows others that there are people who docare.

  2. That's so cool. You've inspired me!

  3. What you did is the opposite of loitering.

    Loitering means doing nothing. Standing around.

    Thank you!

  4. I changed the title because I just remembered the difference between littering and loitering.

    And you're welcome.

  5. nice work - you're helping create an environment where people don't feel as comfortable doing the littering.

  6. I cleaned up the litter on the block again this morning, at about 6:30. There wasn't as much trash as I picked up the last time. I plan on doing this again next weekend.

  7. Fantastic we do this near our block as well, the city needs to propose a FINE for littering & not maintaing your area the city looks disgusting & filthy from people not doing a simple task by putting trash into a trash bin.

  8. Anonymous 9:17am, I couldn't agree with more. A fine does need to be proposed and it does look disgusting.

  9. There already exists fines for littering.
    The person must be caught in the act.

    Or, for vacant lots, the owner of the lot is responsible for its upkeep. Call 311 to report this. Ask the operator for the SR# and then if nothing is done, followup with your alderman, and give them the SR#.

    That SR# is what's used to track the request from start to finish, and the aldermen have access to the 311 database.
