Saturday, May 9, 2009

Person bothered on Cortland

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:05am. Today, I'm going to be covering 14 all day. Today is only going to be about 60 degrees. Anyway, here is crime for today.

12:02am - Disturbance. 3556 W Cortland. On the 2. Neighbor bothering the complaint. Also, this is the only call I'm covering until the morning. Good night, everyone.

10:02am - I'm back. Anyway, there's a disturbance at 2744 N Kedzie. Opposing groups of people arguing on the street.

10:34am - Suspicious vehicle. 3021 N Gresham. 3 male and female Blacks were in a car on the caller's driveway.

10:56am - Beat car 1422 has a station assignment to Milwaukee and Sawyer.

11:01am - The 10:34am job is coded 19Paul.

11:03am - Looks like there were a bunch of protesters at 2744 N. Western, at the abortion clinic. The protesters are done now, though.

11:04am - Possible DOA. 2635 W Wellington. Fire en route.

11:16am - A unit is doing some kind of check at 1900 N Ashland. Event number is 07880.

11:18am - The unit at 1900 N Ashland needs the city to come out for something regarding squatters.

11:23am - Hit and run. 3546 W McLean. No further information.

11:24am - An RD number has been pulled from the 11:04am job. It's HR311569 with the event number of 07598.

11:31am - Panic alarm. 2311 N Rockwell. No further information.

11:33am - 1) Disturbance. 2818 W Diversey. At the IHOP. An intoxicated male is causing problems. 2) Parkers. On 1413's beat. From the fire department.

11:35am - Beat 1410 asks for another unit to head over to the 11:04am job so nothing gets out of control when the relatives arrive. Beat car 1421 is going.

11:38am - Beat 1434 codes the 11:31am job. A person there hit a button on accident.

11:39am - Beat cars 1406Ida and 1499 code the IHOP job as 19Boy. Person was gone on their arrival.

11:42am - Police/dispatch chatter regarding the 11:04am job.

11:45am - More police/dispatch chatter regarding the 11:04am job.

11:48am - 1) Parker. 2030 W Shakespeare. White car in no parking zone. 2) Information for the police. 2300 N Damen. Toddler not in seat.

11:51am - Beat 45Sam25Ocean had a stop at 2107 N Kedzie. They're heading into 14 with a TBD.

11:52am - Parker. 2635 N Milwaukee. Car parked at a fire hydrant. 1) Parker. 2400 block of N Central Park. Several cars blocking alley.

11:55am - Beat car 1414 has a stop at Fullerton and Western. She's ok.

12:03pm - Beat 1411 says that alot of people use the ATM at Chase Bank at 2635 N. Milwaukee, so the fire hydrant issue will happen all day.

12:07pm - Generic. 1850 N St Louis. People sleeping in a camper in front.

12:11pm - Person wanted. 2400 N Kimball. Male Hispanic in a blue shirt and brown shorts is wanted for Theft.

12:12pm - Beat 1413 is litterally on the corner, on foot, at the 12:11pm job. She wants to know where the caller is.

12:13pm - Beat car 1413 is asking for an assist at the 12:11pm job. She may have found the offender. She also says that the offender tends to steal water everytime he passes there.

12:14pm - A slow down is being given on Beat car 1413's assistance call because Beat 1414 is speeding over there with lights and sirens.

12:17pm - Beat car 1424 codes the 12:07pm job as 19Paul. No camper there.

12:22pm - Domestic Battery. 3223 W Diversey. Apartment 213. Stepfather is beating the caller.

12:31pm - Beat 1414 codes the 2400 block of N Central Park as 6Paul.

12:32pm - Battery in progress. 1637 N Central Park. Two females fighting in a house.

12:40pm - The 12:22pm job is coded 19Paul.

1:01pm - Beat car 1422 is doing a park check at Simons.

1:12pm - Beat 1411 asks for an event number for a gang and narcotics mission on his beat. Event number goes on the box.

1:14pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 1814 N Marshfield. Caller saw a squatter go through a door.

1:22pm - Disturbance. 3252 W Armitage. Two male Hispanics sitting on a stoop, bothering customers.

1:34pm - Alarm. 2339 W Belden. Resident motion.

1:36pm - Beat car 1413 asks for a DOC mission event number. It goes on the PDT.

1:37pm - Beat 1414 asks for a gang and narcotics mission event number on the 2900 block of W Lyndale. She also requests a foot patrol on that block.

1:43pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3411 W Cortland. 3 teens going into the vacant building.

1:52pm - Beat car 1432 asks for a park check at Holstein and a resident/garage theft event number. Boundaries for the mission are Fullerton-Western-North-Elston.

2:00pm - Beat 1422 is on a traffic stop at Armitage and Drake.

2:05pm - Check the well being. 2300 N Milwaukee. At the liquor store. Male White in his 80s hasn't been heard from in days. He lives at 2918 W Lyndale.

2:10pm - Holding the offender. 2746 N Milwaukee. At Pay Half. 2 female teens are being held for Theft.

2:11pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2546 W Cortland. 2) Municipal ordinance violation. 1820 N Spaulding. Guys working on cars. 3) Parker. On 1411's beat. No further information.

2:18pm - 1829 N Spaulding is coded as 19Paul.

2:31pm - 2546 W Cortland is coded as 1Paul.

2:32pm - Criminal trespass. 1739 N Mozart. For the last six months, 2 females with 2 children along with 3 males are living in an abandoned building.

2:38pm - Traffic accident. Logan and Elston. Two cars, no injures. At Dollar Tree. One party has no insurance.

2:39pm - Traffic accident. 3122 W Cortland. Neighbor's vehicle struck complaint's fence.

2:40pm - Person calling for help. 2850 W Shakespeare. Child is heard screaming "let me out!" on the 2nd or 3rd floor.

2:41pm - 1) Parker. 2860 N Elston. A black car is parked in front of the fire hydrant. 2) Municipal ordinance violation. Milwaukee and Leavitt. Male selling various stuff.

2:42pm - Beat car 1413 is asking for a call back at the 2:40pm job, though a few seconds later, they disregard it as they're talking to someone.

2:44pm - The 2:39pm job is coded 18Boy because nobody's out there.

2:45pm - 1) Disturbance. 2873 N Drake. Two males that don't live there are drinking out in front. 2) Beat 1413 gets a vice complaint on the PDT.

2:51pm - Beat 1422 has a traffic stop at North and Sawyer.

2:57pm - Beat car 1422 is clear from the 2:51pm stop.

3:02pm - The Drake disturbance is a 5Boy and the 2:45pm vice complaint is a 11Boy.

3:11pm - Beat 1406I asks for a directive patrol mission for public housing. Event number is 11849.

3:14pm - Suspicious object. 2242 N Sawyer. Inside of 4 large plastic bags, something deceased is believed to be in them.

3:16pm - Beat car 1412 asks for a gang and narcotics mission on the beat. Event number goes on the PDT.

3:18pm - Panic alarm. 1955 N Damen. At National City Bank.

3:31pm - Beat 1405 asks for the event number on the 2:10pm job. It's 10618.

3:32pm - Suspicious vehicle. Barry and Sawyer. A red 4 door car with plates of XRAY454810 has been sitting there for a while, then it drives off for a few minutes, then it comes back. Has been doing this for hours.

3:33pm - 1) Panic alarm. 2040 W McLean. Garden apartment. 2) Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Western. CTA bus involved.

3:35pm - Criminal damage in progress. Moffat and Rockwell. 5 male Hispanic teens aged from 12 to 15 riding bikes are spray painting things. The one with the spray paint can has on a black hoodie.

3:41pm - 1) Panic alarm. 2015 W Dickens. No further information. 2) 2040 W McLean is coded as 19Paul.

3:43pm - Beat car 1471 asks for a call back on the 3:35pm job.

3:44pm - 1) Beat 1471's call back has no answer on it. They're canvassing the area. 2) They're calling back on the 2:38pm job.

3:46pm - An RD number has been pulled from Milwaukee and Western. It's HR312002 with the event number of 12132.

3:49pm - Beat car 1406Henry is doing a premise check at Cortland and Ashland.

3:52pm - Disturbance. 1669 N Milwaukee. At the UPS store parking lot. Male pooed in the complaint's car.

3:53pm - The 3:52pm job is coded as 19Paul because Beat 1406H already took care of it.

3:59pm - Beat 1410 asks for a premise check at Cortland and Ashland, a DOC mission event number, a curfew mission event number and a robbery mission event number.

4:05pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 2:38/3:44pm jobs. It's HR312034 with the event number of 12138.

4:08pm - 1) Commerical alarm. 2211 N Elston. Suite 20. General. 2) Disturbance. 22XX W Palmer. No further information.

4:14pm - Car alarm. 2850 W McLean. Only heard.

4:16pm - The 3:35pm job is coded 5Boy.

4:17pm - Explosion. 3011 W Wellington. Complaint says they think the transformer blew. The lights went out. Caller was transferred to ComEd.

4:21pm - Beat car 1412 codes the 4:17pm job as 19Paul.

4:22pm - 1) Beat 1412 says the traffic lights at Wellington and Sacramento are out. 2) Beat car 1490 wants 1412 to establish the boundaries for the power outage. Also, 1490 is doing a premise check at Cortland and Ashland. The event number for the check is 13018.

4:31pm - The boundaries for the power outage are George-Albany-Wellington-Sacramento, per Beat car 1412. Also, ComEd has been notified by several residents. They say power should be restored by 18:00 hours (6pm).

4:33pm - Beat 1490 is requesting special attention in the outage area.

4:38pm - Beat car 1412 is on a traffic stop at 2836 N Kimball.

About 4:48pm - There was a call in the coverage area, but I can't remember the nature of it.

5:07pm - I'm going to switch over to Zone 12 until 5:35pm. Trouble is brewing on my block. I'll be back. I'll cover time period I'm gone on Monday.

5:35pm - I'm back. The situation is under control.

5:40pm - Disturbance. Kimball and Barry. In the alley between Barry and Belmont, 2 intoxicated males are in a car, doing something.

5:48pm - The 5:40pm job is being coded 19Paul because no car is in the alley.

5:54pm - Beat 1412 is on a stop at Fullerton and Kimball.

5:57pm - Beat car 1412 is running a plate.

6:04pm - Beat 1412's plate comes back clear and valid.

6:08pm - Beat car 1412 is now running a name.

6:10pm - Beat 1412's name comes back with a warrant.

6:13pm - Beat car 1412 is heading into 14 with one.

6:15pm - An officer on Beat 1412 needs an ambulance. They just got into an accident at Diversey and Kedzie. Officer requesting ambulance for himself sounds distressed.

6:20pm - Something's happening at 2035 N Campbell.

6:21pm - It appears Beat 1411 is handling the paper for the 6:15pm accident. Beat car 1410 is on the way as well.

6:24pm - Beat 1422 has a traffic stop at Armitage and Sawyer.

6:34pm - Loud music disturbance. 3042 W Lyndale. From the garage.

6:35pm - Beat 1410 tells 1420 that the male half of 1412 needs to go to St Mary's for treatment of his injures.

6:47pm - Loud party at Medill and Washtenaw.

6:50pm - 1) Suspicious person. 1600 block of N Artesian. No further information. 2) Disturbance. 1624 N Califorina. Homeless female on the steps.

6:55pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:19pm - I'm back from eating.

7:33pm - Disturbance. 1751 N Sawyer. Kids making noise on the porch.

7:38pm - Beat car 1405 is heading back to the 2:10pm job on a follow up.

7:48pm - Traffic accident. 2400 N Western. Comcast van VS car.

7:51pm - Beat 1412 asks dispatch the time when they were going in with the warrant. It was at 18:13 hours (6:13pm).

7:54pm - Loud music disturbance. 3064 N Elbridge. From the backyard.

7:56pm - Burglar alarm. 2048 N Stave. 1st floor motion.

7:57pm - The 7:33pm job is coded 19Boy.

7:58pm - 1) Beat car 1405 is clear from the 7:38pm follow up. 2) Disturbance. Moffat and Rockwell. At Peoples Park. 3 dog owners shut the gate to the kid's playlot so their dogs can run in it. Kids are unable to play.

8:04pm - The Peoples Park job is coded 5Frank. The dogs are on leashes now and out of the playlot.

8:05pm - Suspicious vehicle. 1618 N St Louis. Male Black in a purple two-door van keeps circling the block.

8:07pm - Gang disturbance. 1621 N Drake. Gangbangers throwing bottles at a grey car. Note: it's related to the 8:05pm job.

8:08pm - Beat 1433 is doing foot patrol on the 1600 block of N Maplewood. Event number is 17096.

8:12pm - The 7:54pm job is coded 1Frank.

8:19pm - Disturbance. 3415 W Shakespeare. 5 people on the steps.

8:20pm - A report is needed for an off duty PO working security at Export Fitness at Elston and Logan.

8:34pm - Disturbance. 3039 W Lyndale. Cars from a party.

8:39pm - They're calling back at the 7:54pm job. It's coded again.

8:49pm - Since 8:39pm, 3064 N Elbridge has called at least five times regarding the music.

8:52pm - Parker. 2120 N Hoyne. Premits.

9:07pm - EMS run. 1622 N Califorina. Male not feeling well. Fire en route.

9:08pm - Beat car 45Sam14 needs a transport from 2140 N St Louis.

9:10pm - Loud music disturbance. 2944 W Armitage.

9:23pm - Loud music disturbance. Stave and Prindiville. Between Stave and Milwaukee on Prindiville. 2) Gang disturbance. 1757 N Humboldt. In the alley.

9:27pm - There were two calls in the coverage area, but I didn't get the details. Sorry.

9:30pm - Beat 1411 asks for a event number for Grape Park. It's 18678. Also, 1411 asks for a number for a gang and narcotics mission. That's 18674.

9:41pm - Burglary in progress. Fullerton and Bernard. People breaking into the back.

9:45pm - The 9:41pm job is coded 19Paul (which means "other police service from incident").

9:47pm - Beat car 45Tom75Boy is running names at Milwaukee and Gresham.

9:49pm - Battery in progress. 2430 to 2461 W North. Complaint is getting hit by someone. Caller sounded drunk.

9:50pm - Beat 45T75B's names come back clear to 3907 W Wrightwood and 3033 N Monticello.

9:51pm - Parker. 2031 and 2037 N Spaulding. People are unable to move their cars out of their spaces.

9:55pm - Battery in progress. 1929 N Richmond. Boyfriend is hitting the complaint.

9:58pm - 1) Disturbance. 1735 N Wolcott. No further information. 2) Loud music disturbance. Milwaukee and Western. Music from what sounds like coming from a festival is bothering the caller. 3) Parker. 1732 N Winchester. Grey car blocking fire hydrant.

10:03pm - Parker. 2754 N Troy. Car blocking alley.

10:04pm - They're calling AGAIN on the 7:54/8:39pm jobs. Dispatch also got the address of 3041 N Drake.

10:13pm - 1) Disturbance. 2316 N Maplewood. Loud party. 2) Narcotics. McLean and Campbell. Male Hispanic in a white hoodie and black jeans selling drugs.

10:18pm - The 10:03pm job is coded 6Boy (which means "no person found on illegal parking").

10:25pm - Now the party on Maplewood has "drove lights".

10:28pm - Disturbance. 2334 W Diversey. Barking dog.

10:29pm - They're calling back on the 10:03pm job. This time, the vehicle is circling the block. The people in it may be looking for trouble.

10:32pm - Domestic disturbance. Bloomingdale and St Louis. Male and female arguing on the street.

10:33pm - Prostution. 2418 W Bloomingdale. Female White with red hair just got caught with her john. The john is a male Black with a white baseball cap. They just drove away.

10:35pm - Now the 10:28pm job is coming in at 2317 W Wolfram.

10:39pm - Criminal damage. Belmont and Kimball. Male broke the complaint's window.

10:41pm - Suspicious vehicle. 3516 W Belden. Black Nissan with plates of F126872 is parked in the street.

10:42pm - The 10:41pm vehicle left the scene.

10:46pm - Beat car 1433Robert asks for a call back on the 10:28/10:35pm jobs.

10:47pm - Beat 1411R asks for an event number for a curfew mission on the 10 sector. It's 20291.

10:48pm - Robbery. 1649 N Washtenaw. 4 male Hispanics robbed the complaint. Also, just for info, there's a loud party call at 1627 N Washtenaw.

10:49pm - Beat car 1421R has an on view disturbance at 2539 N Milwaukee.

10:51pm - Beat 1445 is with Beat car 1421R.

10:52pm - Narcotics. 1890 N Milwaukee. 6 males in the alley doing drugs.

10:54pm - The 10:49pm thing is coded 6Frank.

11:03pm - Loud music disturbance. 2815 W Belden. Speakers.

11:14pm - Beat 1432 gets a selling on the PDT.

11:16pm - 1) Disturbance. 2430 N Washtenaw. Loud music along with screaming and yelling. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2714 W Francis. Party.

11:18pm - Suspicious person. Armitage and Leavitt. Three male Blacks are looking into cars.

11:32pm - Disturbance. 2401 N Milwaukee. At 7-11. Male Black in a black skull cap and Bears jacket is refusing to leave.

11:34pm - Check the well being. 2445 N Talman. Male screaming. Looks like he's struggling.

11:40pm - Person down. 2741 W North. In the alley where it meets up for the parking lot at Wright College, a male is down.

11:41pm - Battery in progress. Mozart and Wabansia. 3 male Blacks fighting by a garage. One said he had a weapon.

11:42pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 3043 W Lyndale. In the alley. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2035 N Spaulding. No further information.

11:44pm - A slow down is given on the 11:41pm job.

11:51pm - Check the well being. Elston and Damen. At Dunkin Donuts. Two males screaming in a white van. There's also lots of hollering and screaming in the parking lot.

11:52pm - Someone has a broken leg at 1843 N Fairfield. Ambulance en route.

11:53pm - 1) Parker. 3253 W Barry. Premits. 2) Loud music disturbance. 3040 N Drake. Loud party across the street.

11:54pm - Beat car 1423R has a traffic stop at Wabansia and Drake.

12:00am - I'm finished covering 14 for the night. I'll be back with more of 14 on Monday (from 5:07 to 5:35pm). I'll be back tomorrow with 25 from 12:21 to 1:09pm.


  1. Thank you for your dedication to this website...I follow you every single day. It is a great benefit for everyone in the community.

  2. You're welcome :-). It's my pleasure to inform everyone of crime so something could be done about it.

  3. Would you please do a post sometime deciphering the lingo/codes you use, such as "coded 19Paul," "event number," "TBD," etc. It would be a helpful reference.

  4. I don't know what the codes mean either, but I can make a guess. Codes like 19Paul mean that there was no police report made or incident. TBD is something related to traffic laws. Event number is probably just some kind of statisic stuff.

  5. Hi, I started following your blog a few days ago, and was curious about the police codes myself. You can find them here:
