Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Domestic disturbances in the 'hood

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:53pm. School was good. Anyway, I'll be here until bedtime, so here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:35pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. Pulaski and Dickens. At the laundry mat. Wife won't let complaint move the car. 2) Domestic disturbance. 2843 N Kildare. Problem with the daughter. 3) Assault in progress. 3107 N Kenneth. No further information.

3:42pm - Pulaski and Dickens is coded 1Paul.

3:56pm - Traffic accident. 3620 W McLean. No further information.

4:12pm - Missing person. 2624 N Harding. 12 yr old female Black never went to school today. She's on meds for mental disablities.

4:15pm - Disturbance. 3140 N Ridgeway. Female keeps bothering complaint.

4:49pm - Now 3107 N Kenneth comes in as check the well being. A caller says the police are in front and if they don't leave, he's going to harm himself.

4:54pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3140 N Davlin. 4 male Whites, Hispanics and Blacks going into the vacant apartment.

4:55pm - Parker. 4300 W Parker. Car blocking driveway.

4:56pm - Missing from the 4:12pm job is a 13 yr old female Black who's been out two other times before. Beat 2520 has been notified. The RD number is HR343861.

5:02pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. 4352 W Wrightwood. Gold Nissan has been stripped. 2) Prostution. On 2535's beat. 3) Disturbance. 2255 N Springfield. 6 males playing in the street with a ball. 4) Disturbance. Pulaski and Shakespeare. Kids throwing rocks at cars.

5:16pm - Battery in progress. Belmont and Central Park. People fighting on the street.

5:22pm - The 5:16pm fight is aboard CTA bus #6734. It's standing westbound.

5:25pm - Beat cars 1412 and 1441 is also over on the 5:16pm job.

5:26pm - A female is complaining of chest pains from the 5:16pm job. Also, the 4:54pm job is coded 19Paul.

5:29pm - Beat 2524 wants to know if any 17th district units responded to the 5:16pm job.

5:43pm - Generic. 4244 W Diversey. Complaint is part of an electric crew working in the alley and the electric poles are very loose. They may fall and harm the workers.

5:44pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2509 N Keeler. From the 1st floor. 2) The 5:16pm job is being duped to Beat car 1731.

5:45pm - 1) Beat 2562David codes 2509 N Keeler as 19Paul. 2) Beat car 2525 codes 2255 N Springfield as 19Paul. 3) Parker. 2743 N Ridgeway. A pick up is in front.

6:19pm - 1) Municipal ordinance violation. 3850 W Fullerton. Female selling food from a cart. 2) Beat car 2524 wants to be held down on an apparent person with a gun call at Wabansia and Harding.

6:47pm - Gang disturbance. 2301 N Karlov. Gangbangers walking through the alley seem to be suspicious.

6:51pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:06pm - I'm back.

7:12pm - EMS run. 3755 W Dickens. Father is attempting to overdose.

7:38pm - Now the 7:12pm job is coming in as a disturbance with a mental. The son is out of control. He's tearing up the house. Officer who responded says that he's a loose cannon. He's probably over the father being removed. They're heading back that way.

7:39pm - It's a "Person w/ a knife" now. The son's got a knife.

7:42pm - Beat 2566David is on scene at the 7:12/7:38/7:39pm. The son's in the house with the knife. Officer could be heard saying "no, no, you're not going back in there," to someone in the background.

7:43pm - The son doesn't have the knife anymore. He's calmed down.

7:44pm - A slow down is given on the 7:12/7:38/7:39pm jobs.

7:53pm - Multiple calls of shots fired at Wabansia and Springfield. 5 of them. Tickets are mentioning a male wearing black and red. They're also saying a black SUV fired several rounds. It went north on Springfield.

7:55pm - A red Jeep Cherokee is involved in the 7:53pm job. It fled west on Wabansia.

7:56pm - 1) The Jeep Cherokee is now dark green. 2) Beat car 45Sam25 has a traffic stop at Fullerton and Keystone.

7:58pm - Beat 45S25 is running a name from the stop.

7:59pm - Sex offense. 1942 N Springfield. Female White engaged in sexual contact with her customer in the rear.

8:01pm - Beat car 45S25's name comes back with a warrant and no clear DL.

8:02pm - Beats 2525 and 2535 have a traffic stop at Armitage and Monticello.

8:06pm - Traffic accident. 3625 W Shakespeare. Property damage.

8:07pm - 1) The 8:06pm job also comes in as a supsicious vehicle. An '04 dodge has been sitting on the corner for a week. It's stripped and the air bags are deployed. 2) Loud music disturbance. 3843 W Altgeld. Coming from the rear.

8:09pm - Assault. 3909 W Schubert. Complaint was nearly hit by an intoxicated male with a door.

8:10pm - They're calling back at 2743 N Ridgeway.

8:12pm - Beat car 2566 needs another car at 2831 N Springfield.

8:14pm - Beat 2524 can't find 2566. Multiple units en route.

8:15pm - A slow down is given at 2831 N Springfield.

8:16pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. FYI--
    I was woken by approx. 4-5 shots fired early this morning (Thurs) -- 2:40 am.
    Just East of Kedzie, a couple of blocks North of Diversey. Cops were racing to the area rather quickly.
    Still having gang issues in this area.

    Thanks for all that you do.

  2. Again with the shootings. Jeez. They don't know how to just act civilized.

    Sounds like this happened around Albany or Troy around Wellington.

    I plan on publishing an article regarding this. And you're welcome for everything I do :-).
