Sunday, April 19, 2009

Parker on 2525's beat

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:50am. Today is going to be colder than yesterday (it's only going to be about 55 degrees today). Anyway, I will be here all day until I have to go to bed at 8pm. Here is crime for today.

8:50am - Beat car 2525 gets a parker.

8:54am - Beat 2524 asks for a DOC mission event number. It's going to the PDT.

9:08am - Beat car 2525 is doing a follow up under an RD number at 2020 N Hamlin.

10:30am - Beat 2523 asks for an SOB Burglary mission.

11:06am - Beat car 2523 has an on view disturbance at 3743 W Belmont. He's ok.

11:27am - Traffic accident. Wrightwood and Konster. Injures. Fire en route.

11:29am - Assault in progress/Battery. Wrightwood and Lowell. May be related to the 11:27am job.

11:30am - Beat 2522 says that there's an officer in pursuit of someone at the 11:29am job.

11:31am - 1) Beat car 2521 says that was him chasing the subject, but h/she got away. 2) Beat 2522 is running a plate and needs an emergency reload because one of the cars is blocking the entire street.

11:48am - Beat cars 2563 and 2599 are touring the DOC. Event number is 08038.

11:50am - Beat 2523 codes out the 11:06am thing as 4Paul.

11:59am - Domestic disturbance. 2118 N Hamlin. Sister needs to be removed.

12:28pm - Check the well being. 4007 W Wellington. Neighbor in the basement hasn't been seen in 3 days.

12:51pm - 1) Disturbance. Fullerton and Monticello. People are arguing over parking space in Tony's Finer Food's parking lot. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2516 or 2560 N Springfield. Coming from the basement (I believe).

1:57pm - Domestic disturbance. 2422 N Harding. The call is an hour old. No further information.

2:04pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Avers. Property damage only.

2:14pm - Now the 2:04pm job has injures on it. Fire en route.

2:36pm - Beat car 2505 is doing a park check at Kelyvn.

2:43pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 2:04pm job. It's HR276XXX with the event number of 09993.

2:44pm - Battery in progress. 2036 N Avers. Group of teens fighting at Mozart Park.

2:45pm - A slow down is given at the 2:44pm job.

2:46pm - Wanted for Criminal Damage from the 2:44pm job is a male Hispanic who's about 5'9 with no shirt on. He's got lots of tatoos on. He fled east on Dickens from Avers in a tan colored Toyota van.

3:01pm - Beat 2524 gets a parker on 2525's beat.

3:44pm - Domestic Battery. 2727 N Monticello. Ex boyfriend pushed the caller.

3:51pm - Domestic disturbance. 1716 N Central Park. Problems with the daughter.

4:31pm - Person down. Pulaski and Fullerton. Male is down in the middle of the street. Unknown what's wrong.

4:32pm - Now the 4:31pm job comes in as a traffic accident. Male was hit by car. Fire en route.

4:40pm - Assault in progress. 2035 N Pulaski. Two male Black gangbangers threatening to beat up the caller. One goes by the name of "Popo". He is wearing orange and white. The other one is named Terry Hughes. He's wearing red and white.

4:49pm - Battery in progress. 4420 W Parker. Three males in the alley fighting over beer.

4:52pm - Disturbance. 2910 N Hamlin. Intoxicated neighbor knocking on the door, refusing to leave.

5:11pm - Sex offense. 4419 W Diversey. Three male Hispanics in brown jackets and blue jeans are exposing theirselves.

5:27pm - Beat car 2525 asks for an event number for a "Tinted Windows" mission at 2018 N Keystone. Event number goes on the PDT.

5:39pm - Beat 2523 is heading into 25 with a TBD from 4044 W Oakdale.

6:03pm - Beat car 2525 is getting parkers on the PDT.

6:05pm - Beat 2524 needs an ambulance at Fullerton and Konster for an intoxicated male.

6:30pm - Domestic disturbance 3633 W Dickens. Apartment 3A. Problem with the girlfriend.

6:45pm - A unit is doing something at Belden and Pulaski.

6:56pm - I have to go eat now. I'll be back soon.

7:19pm - I'm back from eating.

7:20pm - Domestic disturbance. George and Hamlin. In a black car, the caller and the 16 yr old son are arguing.

7:50pm - Reckless driver. Diversey and Hamlin. Red van with a partial plate of 86 almost ran the caller over. The van was last seen heading east on Diversey, altough I didn't see it when I looked out my window just now. Also, I have to go now, so good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow. Be safe.

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