Friday, April 17, 2009

Gangbangers flashing signs at Fullerton and Keystone

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:11pm. Things were ok at school. Also, things are starting to pop off in the neighborhood, so watch out, everyone. Anyway, here is crime for this afternoon/evening.

3:34pm - Gang disturbance. Fullerton and Keystone. Male Hispanic teens flashing gang signs at passing vehicles.

3:35pm - Narcotics. 1634 N Hamlin. Three male Hispanics getting high in the alley.

3:47pm - Battery in progress. 3630 W Dickens. 4 to 5 females fighting out in front.

3:48pm - 1) Theft. 3658 W Diversey. At the restrauant. Lady came in and ordered food then took off with the food without paying. 2) Narcotics. 1945 N Hamlin. 6 males selling drugs.

3:52pm - Fire run. 3107 N Haussen. Male down.

3:56pm - Narcotics. 2345 N Monticello. Males selling drugs.

4:00pm - A backlog has been put into 25.

4:08pm - Beat car 2523 is asking for a Spanish speaker at 3715 W Diversey from the Theft job.

4:13pm - Beat 2523 gives the Spanish speaking officer responding a wave off.

4:26pm - Gang disturbance. 2516 N Kildare. No further information.

4:32pm - Beat car 2505 has an on view disturbance at Kenwell Park.

4:40pm - They're calling back on the 3:35pm job. This time, it's gangbangers and one has a bat.

4:45pm - The 3:35/4:40pm job is coded out as 19Paul.

4:46pm - There was a disturbance at 2514 N Keeler but Beat 2552 codes it out 19Paul

4:54pm - Beat 2525 gets a selling and a parker on the PDT.

4:59pm - Beat car 2524 gets a selling on the beat.

5:01pm - I'm going to take a nap. I'll be back a little later.

6:06pm - I'm back from the nap.

6:16pm - Information for the police. Pulaski and Cortland. Bunch of males jumped out of a car and beated up a male. The vitcim fled. Anonymous caller just wanted police to know.

6:22pm - 1) Assault in progress. Avers and Diversey. Large group of girls getting ready to fight near the park. 2) Suspicious vehicle. 3147 N Springfield. Vehicle's been there for a while. 3) Beat 2523 codes out the Avers and Diversey as 19Paul because that group took off.

6:23pm - Gang disturbance. Hamlin and North. 10 to 12 gangbangers walking. One has a bat. He's wearing a white sweater.

6:26pm - 1) Beat car 2505 has an on view gang disturbance at Kelyvn Park. 2) Beat 2535 is at the 6:23pm job and they say Beat car 2573, who was assigned to the job, can disregard. The gangbangers are dispersing peacefully.

6:32pm - Beat 2566Adam asks for an event number for the DOC at Belmont and Central Park. It's 15624.

6:33pm - Beat car 2522 is on a street stop at Haussen and Milaukee.

6:34pm - Disturbance. Wabansia and Lawndale. 5 to 6 male Hispanic stopping cars.

6:36pm - Beat 2522 is asking for an event number for "ANOF" (what's that?). It's 16167.

6:37pm - Beat car 2525 is doing a park check at Mozart.

6:39pm - Sounds like Beat 2524 is coding out the 6:34pm job as 19Paul.

6:46pm - Oh good lord. Shots fired. Diversey and Pulaski. About 10 minutes ago, the caller saw shots fired from a red four door Ford van. The van fled south on Harding from Diversey.

6:51pm - More shots fired. Diversey and Springfield. Male Hispanic shot once at a white car.

6:55pm - Beat 2524 asks dispatch if there are complaints on the shots fired calls. He says no. 2524 say they'll tour the area for the cars involved.

6:57pm - Beat car 2562Adam gets a narcotics call in the 20 sector on the PDT.

6:58pm - Assist the citizen. 1944 N Ridgeway. Citizen doesn't know what to do with a car.

7:08pm - Disturbance. 3035 N Pulaski. Male Hispanic in a black jacket causing a disturbance inside of Auto Zone.

7:10pm - Burglar alarm. 2847 N Pulaski. Apartment 3North. Bedroom side door motion.

7:11pm - Beat 2522 is clear from the 6:36pm thing.

7:19pm - Beat car 2524 gets a parker on the PDT.

7:28pm - They're calling back on the 6:23pm job. This time, they're throwing bottles. They're wearing dark clothing.

7:32pm - Person with a gun. Hamlin and Lawndale. 6 male Hispanics tugging on their pants like they have guns or something. The cops are confused as into where this is at. Even though these streets don't run across each other, Lawndale starts at Hamlin just north of George and goes to Milwaukee, for the cops reading this.

7:46pm - Person wanted. 2818 N Lawndale. Under HR266070, the offender that broke into the neighbor's house was just in front. He's a male Hispanic, 17 yrs old, long hair pulled back into a ponytail, green hat, white t-shirt and blue jeans. He's on a green bike, heading east on Diversey. He hangs out at Koz park.

7:51pm - They're calling back at 3147 N Springfield.

7:52pm - 1) Beat 2520 codes out the 7:51pm job as 19Paul because Beat car 2593Tom says the owner was going to remove the car from the property. 2) Criminal damage to property/Assault. Milwaukee and Lawndale. No further information.

7:53pm - Criminal damage in progress. 3801 W Wabansia. 10 male and female Hispanics who are 10 to 12 yrs old are putting graffiti on the garages in the alley.

7:54pm - Beat 6759Charlie needs a female for a search on Karlov just south of Dickens.

8:04pm - Shots fired. 3604 W Dickens. Couple of calls coming in. Also coming in as the 3600 block of W Dickens. Several shots have been heard and three male Hispanics were seen fleeing east.

8:06pm - Beat 2590 is inquiring how old the 8:04pm job is. It came out at 20:01 (8:01pm) hours. 2590 codes it out as 5Boy.

8:08pm - Beat car 2535 gets a disturbance on Springfield and a criminal damage on the PDT.

8:13pm - 1) Battery in progress. 2148 N Keystone. Boyfriend and "her" male fighting. 2) Beat 2525 gets a selling on the beat.

8:20pm - Assault in progress. Kelvyn Park (4438 W. Wrightwood). People chasing other people.

8:39pm - Gang disturbance. 2400 block of N Tripp. No further information.

8:40pm - Beat 2524 gets a gang disturbance (most likely the 8:39pm job), disturbance and a parker on the PDT.

8:44pm - Beat car 45Sam15 needs a female for a search at Lawndale and McLean.

9:03pm - Beat 2599 just got a call in the station about Latin Kings in a car wanting to shoot some MMPs (Money Makin' Pimps) in the area of Belmont/Central Park, Lawndale or Monticello. Units are to use caution in the area.

9:08pm - A slow down is given on the 4100 block of W George for some kind of Criminal Damage to property (even though I didn't hear anything).

9:11pm - Battery in progress. 3750 W Armitage. People fighting. Also coming in as a domestic.

9:12pm - I'm hearing what sounds like a large crowd arguing at Diversey and Ridgeway. I monitor this situation and will make a call if necessary.

9:22pm - Beat car 2593T says something about an auto theft at Armitage and Pulaski.

9:30pm - Reckless driver. Fullerton and Pulaski. A white car and a burgundy car are racing each other. Heading south on Pulaski.

9:33pm - Domestic disturbance. 2019 N Karlov. Problem with the son.

9:42pm - Beat 2580Charlie has a traffic stop at Armitage and Pulaski.

9:48pm - Beat car 2580C has 10 on the hood at the 9:42pm stop.

9:57pm - A job that was at 2337 N Monticello on the board has been coded out 5Boy.

10:01pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 2349 N Springfield. 10 to 12 gang member flashing signs. 2) Beat 2521 gets some loud music disturbances in the 20 sector.

10:07pm - Beat car 2535 codes out the 9:33pm job as 5Boy and will be assisting Beat 2580C in the station from the 9:42pm stop.

10:21pm - A backlog is put into 25. 22:21 hours.

10:22pm - Assault. 1600 N Harding. No further information.

10:25pm - Municipal ordiance violation. Armitage and Monticello. No further information.

10:38pm - Several calls of a traffic accident at Pulaski and Wellington with no further information.

10:40pm - Engine 91 is on scene of the 10:38pm job with a large crowd getting out of control.

10:43pm - A slow down is given on the 10:38/10:40pm jobs.

10:45pm - A female Black, about 5'6, wearing all black coating was the offender from the 10:38pm job. She threatened people with a gun. Took off east on Wellington.

10:51pm - Animal fight. Belmont and Pulaski. Three males VS three pit bulls.

10:53pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. Augusta and Lawler. Male Black with a white t-shirt and black doo rag running.

10:54pm - 1) Subject is at Thomas and LeClarie. 2) Beat 1545 is requesting an ambulance at Division and LeClarie for a male down, bleeding.

10:56pm - The offender got away. He's about 6 feet tall with a white t-shirt, black jeans and black doo rag. He fled south on LeClarie. The person bleeding appears to be the vitcim.

10:59pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. 1122 N Leamington. Very unruly crowd sounding like they're real pissed off.

11:01pm - The 10:53/10:59pm things are related. I'm guessing the crowd is after the offender.

11:03pm - A slow down is given on the 10:59pm thing. I've never heard such a pissed off crowd in my life as I'm hearing right now.

11:04 to 11:06pm - Police/dispatch chatter regarding all of this.

11:06pm - The air is being opened back up. We return to regular Zone 12.

11:16pm - 1) Battery in progress. 1919 N Hamlin. No further information. 2) Domestic disturbance. 3082 N Haussen. 14 yr old having problems with mother. 3) There are several disturbances pending in the 20 sector.

11:24 to 11:27pm - Male running from Beat car 2562Adam in the 1600 block of N Mason. The male was holding his waistband as if he had a gun. Kept doubling back and running basically in circles.

11:28pm - The subject is in custody.

11:30pm - Beat 2512 needs 2523 (first watch) to sit on the car from the 10:38pm job at 3001 N Pulaski as they wait for Streets and San to respond. Update, at 11:36pm - Beat car 2512 tells 2523 to take a disregard because the tow truck just arrived.

11:42pm - Narcotics. On 2525's beat. No further information.

11:50pm - Beat 2512 (third watch) is clear from the 10:38pm job and is heading in for the night.


  1. Do you know what was going on on Fullerton across the street from the Logan Square library roughly around 3:30 or 4 this afternoon? I saw lots of marked and unmarked cars and cops out walking the sidewalk. And saw a couple youngish looking kids in handcuffs...

  2. I personally have no idea what happened there, but I published an "article" about it and maybe someone who knows about it will tell us what happened.

  3. As soon as it gets warm the kids come out to play, I remember when the guns were just squirt guns. geez. craziness.

  4. Which is why even though I'm a teen myself, I stay in most of the time.

    It was very insane yesterday, and with the temps going up to 71 today, only God knows what will happen, but there is a good sign (right now anyway) because it's nearly 60 degrees and it's quiet.
