Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gangbangers causing problems at 1am

Good morning, everyone, it's 1:16am. Today, I have to go to school with my mom to pick up my report card, so I won't be here all day. I'll most likely be gone from about 11am-3pm. I'm a little nervous but it's nothing major. Anyway, here is crime for today.

1:15am - Gang disturbance. 2112 N Lawndale. Gangbangers in the yard, causing a disturbance. This is the only call I'm covering until when I wake up in the morning. Good night, everybody.

5:08pm - Sorry I never came back this morning. I got caught up doing other stuff then I had to go out then I stopped for lunch and now I'm back. Anyway, there is a domestic disturbance at 3655 W Wabansia. Apartment 2C. Male friend causing problems and kicking in door.

5:10pm - One shot fired at Fullerton and Tripp.

5:14pm - A slow down is given on the 5:10pm job.

5:16pm - The shooter from the 5:10pm job is in the alley east of Tripp and north of Fullerton, by Brian's something. The shooter is a male Hispanic, 19 yrs old, slim build and wearing a black hoodie. Fired one shot.

5:44pm - Beat car 2505 is doing a park check at Koz.

5:47pm - Wanted from the 5:08pm job is a Lazerick Harris (not sure if I spelled the name correctly). He is 43 yrs old, about 5'6, 160 pounds, medium completion and wearing dark clothes. Fled in an unknown direction.

5:48pm - Assault in progress. 2707 N Lawndale. The landlord is threatening the caller.

5:49pm - Male Hispanic is running from Beat 2562David from Dickens and Hamlin. Subject has facial hair.

5:50pm - The subject went east in the north alley of Palmer from Hamlin.

5:51pm - The subject went into the house at 3751 W Lyndale. He's possibly on the 2nd floor.

5:52pm - 1) The subject took off from 2562D after they attempted to do a street stop on him. He now may be in the basement.

5:53pm - The offender is a male Hispanic, about 5'5, slim build, fur hood on a winter coat, cubs hat with a doo rag under it along with possibly braids under that.

5:56pm - Beat car 2566David needs another car at 2115 N Avers to put 2 offenders into it. This is related to the foot chase.

6:10pm - Assault in progress. 3630 W McLean. Female Black, 20 yrs old and wearing all black threatened the caller's sister.

6:13pm - One of the units is doing some contact cards at Avers and Dickens. They thank everyone for the help in the foot chase.

6:23pm - Battery. Belmont and Karlov. Male and female were beaten up by several people in a burgundy SUV that headed southbound on Karlov from Belmont.

6:26pm - Beat 2523 says if there was a job on dispatch's board for 3123 N Milwaukee, they can code it out 5Boy since it was taken care of.

6:41pm - Gang disturbance. 3815 W Dickens. Gangbangers loitering on the caller's driveway and on the corner. Caller says police came through the area earlier and swept out the gangbangers but now they're back.

6:48pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Haussen. Person is down on the corner.

7:08pm - The 5:48pm job is coded out 1Ocean.

7:14pm - Domestic disturbance. 2414 N Lawndale. Caller's boyfriend tried to fight them and his grandma.

7:21pm - Wanted from the 7:14pm job is a male Black Hispanic named Jaime Garcia. He's about 5'7 or 5'8 with a black/white coat and a black hoodie. He's wanted for Battery.

7:29pm - Beat car 2523 codes out the 6:48pm job as 19Paul.

7:39pm - Disturbance. 2239 N Lawndale. Several kids in front playing and they're refusing to leave.

7:44pm - Suspicious person. 2908 N Springfield. Male Hispanic with a white cap and hoodie is making the caller afraid to go into the buliding.

7:58pm - I have to go now. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow afternoon.

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