Thursday, April 23, 2009

Drama on Ridgeway this morning

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:03am. Drama is already starting up. I had to call the police on a group of guys arguing on the front porch of a house right by me. They're drunk. They were also shoving each other. This should be an interesting day. Also, I took the day off of school because it was boring yesterday and there's really no reason for me to be there since freshmen have the day off. Here is crime for today.

7:29am - Disturbance. 2815 N Ridgeway. On the first call, the caller (not me) reported that his drunk friends are arguing and that one of them stole $500. On the second call (my call), three males were arguing and shoving each other.

7:32 to 7:46am - I haven't been really paying attention because I was waiting for the police to show up.

7:47am - The police have arrived. They're heading to the porch to talk to these males. Beat cars 2523 and (I think) 2525 are here.

7:49am - I'm observing one of the officers searching a subject.

7:50 to 7:54am - They're talking to the males.

7:56am - One officer (2525) leaves the scene. Another cop is still here.

7:59am - The other unit (2523) leaves.

8:04am - Sounds like Beat car 2525 is coding out the 7:29am job as 19Boy and asks for a DOC mission event number. It goes on the PDT.

8:42am - Beat 2532 is heading to the Monroe school, 3651 W. Schubert, for I guess a meeting or something.

About 9:15am - A police van is speeding down my block, heading north, with lights and sirens on.

9:39am - Beat car 2520 needs an assist at 3160 N Milwaukee regarding a mental. Beat 2582Foot is on the way.

9:45am - Person wanted. 1920 N Hamlin. At the Ames school. Two students, one a 13 yr old and the other one a 14 yr old, are wanted for Battery.

9:58am - Beat car 2520 codes out the mental at 3160 N Milwaukee as 5Boy.

10:34am - Beat 2523 does a premise check at 3181 N Milwaukee.

10:50am - Beat car 2523 has an on view disturbance at 2813 N Killbourn in the alley. He'll advie dispatch.

10:53am - Beat 2523 asks for an SOB Burglary mission event number. Going on the PDT.

11:11am - Beat car 2523 is doing foot patrol on the 3100 block of N Harding.

11:44am - Disturbance. Diversey and Lawndale. A couple of kids by the basketball court in the park? What? There's no basketball court or park there. The nearest park I can think of is Diversey and Avers, which is Koz.

11:53am - Beat 2535 asks for a DOC mission event number. It's 07204.

12:18 to 12:21pm - A foot chase ensued in the vicinty of Chicago and Parkside.

1:51pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. Southbound on Parkside from Lake. There was a "Person with a gun" call there about 2 minutes ago.

1:52pm - A slow down is being given at about 300 N Parkside. Subject is in custody.

2:09pm - Traffic accident. 3039 N Pulaski. Two cars with no injures.

2:10pm - Disturbance. 3720 W Armitage. Dispute in management's office.

2:16pm - Gang disturbance. 3620 W McLean. No further information.

2:44pm - Disturbance. Shakespeare and Lawndale. No further information.

2:50pm - Now the 2:44pm job is coming in as a gang disturbance and a selling.

3:01pm - Narcotics. 2732 N Avers. At Koz Park. Male Black, tall, thin, afro with a Bulls jersey and baggy jeans along with a short male Hispanic who's got black hair and is carrying a purple and white basketball wearing a baseball cap and baggy jeans, are walking down Diversey to Central Park (I guess) or down Avers are selling drugs.

3:02pm - Auto Theft in progress. Fullerton and Harding. Sounds like a car's being stolen.

3:06pm - A unit needs some more information for the 3:02pm job.

3:30pm - Beat car 45Sam15Nora needs a cage car at Wabansia and Lawndale for a transport. Beat 2525 will head over there once they clear a Battery in progress call on 2200 N Konster.

3:33pm - Beat car 45Sam15Young will do the 3:30pm transport instead.

3:45pm - Gang disturbance. 2107 N Lawndale. Male Hispanics and Blacks flashing gang signs.

3:53pm - Criminal Sexual Assault report. 4120 W Barry. Man who raped the 15 yr old daughter is on the way.

4:16pm - Assault in progress. 2003 N Pulaski. Caller being threatened by gang members.

4:33pm - Domestic disturbance. 3927 W Wellington. Problem with the mother.

4:43pm - Disturbance. Schubert and Monticello. The corn man is out and I guess the caller has a problem with it.

4:50pm - Beat 2542 asks for a call back on the 4:33pm job.

4:53pm - Beat car 2524 gets a Criminal Damage on the PDT.

4:55pm - Shots fired. Tons of calls coming in. Kelvyn Park (4438 W. Wrightwood). 15 gang members shooting at each other, people running, etc.

4:58pm - Beat 2533 says a full sized green Conversion van is the vehicle that did the shooting. It went east towards Konster on Wrightwood.

4:59pm - Beat car 2561 is asking if there's a different vehicle involved. Dispatch says that a small black four door older model.

5:00pm - 1) About 5 different vehicles are involved in this shooting. One went south on Kenton, another went west on Wrightwood and the others went north on Killpatrick or Kenton. 2) Beat 2533 has two people.

5:02pm - 1) A slow down is being given at Wrightwood and Lowell. 2) A black Escalade is also involved in this shooting.

5:04pm - Assault in progress/selling. Belmont and Central Park. Male Hispanic in some kind of red jacket is chasing a male Hispanic teen northbound on Central Park. Also, male Hispanics.

5:06pm - Battery vitcim injured. Armitage and Lawndale. 14 yr old was beat up by a bunch of males. Fire en route.

5:09pm - The 5:02pm car is stopped at Wrightwood and Konster.

5:16pm - Beat 2561 says there is a gang funeral at the funeral home on Diversey and Kolmar. There are alot of Latin Kings in the area, so 2561 advises units to be careful.

5:19pm - 1) Assault in progress. 4322 W Schubert. Male Hispanic in a blue shirt armed with a wrench in his hand. 2) Beat car 2524 gets a selling on the PDT.

5:32pm - This isn't good. Now one of the black cars from the 4:55pm job is chasing a white dodge at Pulaski and Barry. The people in the black car have a gun. The cars are headed north into 17 (they're being notified). 14th district is also being let known of this.

5:34pm - Disturbance. 2443 N Kildare. No further information.

5:35pm - Beat 2540 needs a unit at Barry and Konster for a TBD.

5:45pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 4:55pm job. It's HR283662 with the event number of 13285.

5:46pm - Shots fired at the police at Race and Mayfield. It's a 10-1. All units en route.

5:47pm - There are a couple of males fleeing south on Mayfield.

5:48pm - Four to five shots were fired at the scene. The police were in a crowd of guys from a large fight when the shots rang out.

5:49pm - The shots were fired by males on foot at the 5:46pm 10-1.

5:50pm - A slow down is being given at Race and Mayfield on the 10-1.

5:51pm - Beat 45 asks if the shooters intended to shoot at the police or at someone else. One officer yells back that he wants this treated as if it were, even if police weren't the intended target.

5:52 to 5:59pm - Police/chatter regarding this 10-1.

6:01 to 6:05pm - More chatter from the 10-1.

6:06pm - Beat car 2566David is taking one in from 4301 W Diversey.

6:08pm - The event number from the 6:06pm arrest is 15038.

6:09pm - Domestic disturbance. 4323 W Schubert. Complaint says a male Hispanic with tatoos and a grey Honda Civic threatened the wife. This male knows the complaint's wife. The offender lives at Diversey and Hamlin and the complaint will take police there if needed.

6:10pm - 1) Disturbance. On 2524's Beat. 2) Disturbance. Milwaukee and Monticello. Bum peed on the complaint's steps.

6:22pm - Battery in progress. 2036 N Avers. At Mozart Park. Complaint is getting beaten up by a group of boys.

6:23pm - Suspicious person. 2335 N Kedvale. Male White with a red polo shirt and a female with dark sunglasses keep looking up and down the block. Not known what their intentions are.

6:29pm - Beat 2573 says someone came up to them and said they were being chased by 6 gangbangers at Barry and Central Park.

6:35pm - Beat car 2562Adam is getting several gang disturbances on the PDT, one being at George and Kenshoa.

6:36pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 6:09pm job. It's HR283769 with the event number of 14328.

6:38pm - Person wanted. 2740 N Lawndale. No further information.

6:50pm - The 5:06pm job was just assigned. Ambulance 52 took the vitcim to Children's Memorial Hospital.

6:52pm - Beat 2523 is taking one in from a traffic stop at 3902 W Diversey.

6:53pm - Domestic disturbance. 2449 N Konster. Problem with the son's dad.

7:17pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 6:53pm job. It's HR283854 with the event number of 15596.

7:21pm - I'm going to go eat now, but I'm finished with crime blogging for the night. Good night, everyone, be safe and I'll be back tomorrow afternoon.


  1. Hello I just wanted to thank you for your web site. I'm new here and I think the information that you give is awesome. It keeps me updated on what goes on in the area. I have an 8 year old boy and a 6 year old girl so I look at your site everyday to make sure I'm updated. So Thank You:)

  2. Welcome to the neighborhood :-)! You're welcome for all of the information I give and may you/your kids remain safe :-).
