Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stabbing last night near Koz Park?

I've got word of a stabbing that supposedly occurred last night near Koz Park. According to my source, supposedly 100 people were fighting and someone was stabbed. Anybody know if this is true? If it is, I'm asking for details.

UPDATE, at 3:42pm - I apologize for giving everyone the wrong info. I misunderstood my source. This was a gang fight, not a stabbing. It did involve 100 people, however. In fact, at one point, Beat car 2546 told officers to watch the area. I'm also told that there were alot of calls of battery in progresses last night in that area.


  1. That's what my source (my mother) says, but we had something real similar to that last July.

  2. She only picked up what was happening on the scanner, but she did say she heard tons of sirens as well. I was in bed last night when this happened, so that's why I can't verify this as of yet.
