Sunday, March 1, 2009

Six shots fired at North and Central Park

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:12am. Today is the 1st day of March, meaning warmer weather is finally coming to Chicago (which means more crime). I can't wait for the warmer weather so I could go outside more often and enjoy the weather. Anyway, I have my radio until dinner tonight, so here is crime for this morning/afternoon.

12:15am - No later than 15 minutes into March and we have shots fired. The location is North and Central Park. Six shots have been fired.

12:17am - A slow down has been given at the 12:15am job.

12:22am - Parker. 2312 N Monticello. A 4 door Ford doesn't have the proper premits on it. Also, this is the last call I'm covering for the night. Good night, everyone. I'll be back in a few hours.

9:48am - Good morning, everyone, I'm back. There's a domestic disturbance at 3735 W McLean. Apartment 1A. Problem with the baby's daddy.

9:49am - Beat car 2524 asks for a DOC mission number.

10:09am - Beat 2524 asks for an RD number from the 9:48am job. It's HR193741 with the event number of 06079.

10:14am - Person with a knife. 2343 N Ridgeway. The husband's got a knife and he's trying to kill the caller.

10:18am - Beat cars 2524/2534 are relocating into 25 from the 9:48am job.

10:22am - Beat 2573 pulls an RD number from the 10:09am job. It's HR193756 with the event number of 06552.

10:32am - Wanted from the 10:09am job is a male who is 34 years old, 170 pounds, 5'8, leopard coat with black pants.

10:42am - Traffic accident. 3730 W Armitage. Two cars. Property damage only.

11:02am - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. Foot chase. 600 block of N Laramie. Male Black with a purple hat, brown jacket and jeans running southbound.

11:03am - The offender is now running east on Ohio from Laramie.

11:04am - The offender is in the backyard of 602 N Leammington. About 15 seconds later, the guy's in custody. Back to regular Zone 12.

11:24am - Check the well being. Armitage and Pulaski. Something about an elderly female by the gas station.

11:31am - A male in a black Ford pick-up just picked up the elderly woman on the 11:24am job.

12:08pm - Sounds like some city property was stolen at 2827 N Pulaski.

1:45pm - Disturbance. 3026 N Milwaukee. At the gift shop. Intoxicated male on the floor. Unknown what's going on.

1:53pm - Dispatch is getting 2988 N Milwaukee for a person down. May be related to the 1:45pm job.

2:18pm - The 1:45/1:53pm jobs are the same.

2:31pm - Burglary report. 2709 N Ridgeway. No further information.

4:08pm - Narcotics. 1928 N Monticello. People smoking marijuana in the hallway.

4:12pm - Robbery. Keeler and Dickens. 4 male Hispanics just battered and robbed the caller of $20.

4:19pm - A flash is given out from the 4:12pm job. 4 male Hispanics, three with black hoodies on and one with a navy blue hoodie on, robbed the vitcim of $20. Two fled north and two fled south on Keeler.

4:30pm - Beat car 2525 toured the area with the vitcim from the 4:19pm job but found nothing.

4:32pm - Beat 2525 pulls an RD number from the 4:12pm job. It's HR194198 with the event number of 11941.

4:45pm - Disturbance. 3909 W Belmont. Problem with food at the restrauant.

5:01pm - One of the units is on a traffic stop at 2324 N Central Park.

5:32pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3910 W George. Italian male is banging on a door.

5:42pm - Beat car 2523 has a traffic stop at George and Konster.

5:55pm - Beat 2523 asks for a call back on the 5:32pm job.

5:57pm - Beat car 2523 says the got the caller.

6:05pm - The caller on the 5:32pm job refuses police service.

6:33pm - I have to go eat now. I will not be coming back tonight, so everyone have a good night and I'll be back tomorrow morning.

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