Friday, March 13, 2009

My observations on school

Hi, everyone, school has been pretty good this week.

March 9: On Monday, school was calm. Just the here and there stuff. At lunch, a girl had "Happy Birthday" sanged to her and love ensued (LOL).

March 10: On Tuesday, school was pretty calm. Other than a few arguments, some boys talking about a fight that happened yesterday and one near fight, things were usual. Also, a crew from the Oprah Winfrey show was there to interview a few kids about dating violence. Their interviews are going to be on Oprah's Thursday show. This is kind of exciting to hear since a few of my friends may be on there.

March 11: On Wednesday, school was calm for the most part. I only observed a few altercations and other stuff.

March 12: On Thursday, my class and I went on Ford City mall. It was pretty good. We learned how to shop and spend money.

March 13: On Friday, things were calm. Just the usual loudness and goofing around.

- Thanks,
Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter

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