Sunday, March 29, 2009

Currency windows broken out at Armitage and Califorina *UPDATED

Anonymous says ...

Does anyone know what happened to the currency exchange at Armitage and California? Saturday morning the windows were completely broken and it looked looted or something. There were cops everywhere. I looked in the papers and I can't find anything.

I have no information on this. Do any of you who read my blog? If so, please give me and this anonymous person some information.

UPDATE, at 12:52pm - This incident appears to have been a fire.


  1. There was a fire around 11:45 yesterday. When we drove by, there was smoke billowing out of the awning and there were two patrol cars and a small handful of people standing around. As we headed east on Armitage, two fire trucks came past the other way, responding to the fire. I guess they decided they needed to break some glass to put out the fire.

  2. Ouch. Sounds pretty intense. Glad this wasn't a crime (unless it was an Arson).

    Question for anybody or everybody (who knows about this fire): Was anybody hurt? How bad is the damage?

  3. I'm glad it was probably not a crime! I'm the anonymous person who asked about it and just wanted to say thanks to the blogger for posting this and thanks "brewer a" for answering! :)

  4. No problem :-). Thanks to you, brewer, for answering the question.
