Friday, January 16, 2009

My observations on school

Hi everyone, this week has been one of the most non-violent (with the exception of Monday) weeks I've seen at Sullivan since September. That's good to see.

January 13: On Tuesday, we went on a field trip to the Muesum of Surgical Science. It was pretty nice. When I got back to school, though, I saw a paddy wagon parked out in front. Probably to break up more fights/take kids in.

January 14: On Wednesday, it was actually quite calm. Other than the loudness (wasn't actually too loud) at times and possibly one fight, it was calm, so that was good to see.

January 15: On Thursday, things were very calm for some reason (good thing though). I observed no altercations/fights whatsoever.

January 16: On Friday, nothing much was going on. There were some altercations and possibly a fight or two (little fights at it), but nothing too major. Glad it's TGIF, though.

- Thanks,
Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter

P.S. My next observations of school will be coming Thursday.

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