Thursday, January 8, 2009

Crime blotter for January 8, 2009

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:37am. Well, I'm heading to school in about 10 minutes, so if I hear anything in the next 10 minutes, I'll write it down. I'll also be back this afternoon with more of crime.
I've been back, since like 3:30pm, but it's been real quite around here. It's currently 5:26pm.

4:53pm - Burglar alarm. 3609 W Belmont. No further information.

5:20pm - Assault in progress. 2036 N Avers. At Mozart Park. A worker states they're being threatened by a group of people.

5:26pm - 45Mary75Adam is giving a slow down at Mozart Park. Beat car 2505 saids they'll do paper on the 5:20pm j0b if there's paper that needs to be down.

5:30pm - Beat 45M75A codes out the 5:20pm job as 19Paul.

5:32pm - Battery in progress. 3601 W Wolfram. People fighting on the 2nd floor apartment. Note: A known person that I know lives at the address. I'm kind of hoping that the person is involved but getting a beat down :-), LOL.

5:46pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 1644 N Hamlin. Group of trespassers are going into a vacant building through the side doors. Note: There was a call like this last night as well.

5:52pm - Disturbance. 2827 N Pulaski. At the Engine 91 fire house. Sounds like the firefighters wanted a female to leave (who needs a transport to somewhere) but she may have left by now.

6:23pm - 1) Panick alarm. 2918 N Central Park. General panick. 2) Traffic accident. North and Pulaski. No further information.

6:40pm - EMS run. 4419 W Diversey. Male is down in the parking, for an unknown reason. EMS is in route.

7:31pm - Shots fired??? 2100 N Springfield. Sounds like an officer just called in shots fired there.

7:32pm - Narcotics. Central Park and Dickens. A male Hispanic, tall, slim build, green coat on is selling drugs on the corner.

7:34pm - Missing person. 2659 N Springfield. The son ran away 15 minutes ago.

7:55pm - 1) EMS run. Diversey and Konster. Nothing further. 2) Theft. 3837 W Fullerton. Nothing further. 3) One of the Beat cars on views an accident at Armitage and Karlov.

8:05pm - I have to go now. Good night to everyone out there. See you all tomorrow.

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