Saturday, January 3, 2009

Crime blotter for January 3, 2009

Good morning, everyone, it's 9:40am. I get my radio today until dinner, then my mom will take it. Here's crime for today.

10:31am - It sure is quiet around here today.

11:06am - Beat 6530Frank is doing a check at 3271 N Milwaukee (he's on the wrong zone, that means. Zone 1 covers that address). Event number is 06413.

11:16am - Some kind of job at some address on Fullerton. Not sure what since the radio cut out on me.

11:37am - Criminal trespass in progress. 2927 N Ridgeway. A female is trespassing.

12:32pm - Person with a knife. 2414 N Lowell. The brother came back and now has a screw driver in his hand. He is in front.

12:33pm - Assault. Fullerton and Avers. At the Salvation Army. Male White patron threatened someone there.

12:34pm - Beat cars 2524 and 2544 need an ambulance at 2971 N Ridgeway. A senior citizen needs an ambulance. The senior citizen is getting a bit combative with police.

12:37pm - The fire truck responding to the call of assistance at 2971 N Ridgeway is pulling up to there right about now.

12:45pm - Person calling for help. 2101 N Springfield. A tow truck is on scene, trying to tow cars, but the tow truck driver is being threatened by a group of people.

12:47pm - Ambulance 3 is arriving on scene at 2971 N Ridgeway.

12:48pm - A slow down is being given at 2101 N Springfield.

12:52pm - Beat cars 2535/2573 are mobilling about a car related to the 12:45pm job.

12:59pm - Ambulance 3 needs Beat 2544 to come back, this time to 2975 N Ridgeway. I'm guessing the senior citizen is combative with EMS personnel.

1:01pm - Injury report. 4401 W Wrightwood. No further information.

1:35pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. 1562 just teased someone in front of the police station at 5701 W Madison. They need an ambulance.

2:08pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a premise check at Kelvyn Park.

2:28pm - Domestic Battery. 4009 W Wellington. The caller was punched and had her hair cut.

2:43pm - A backlog has been put into 25.

2:47pm - Battery in progress. North and Lawndale. Two females fighting.

3:04pm - Shots fired. Monticello and Schubert. 2 shots fired near Monroe school. The offenders went west on Schubert then north in an alley east of Lawndale I'm guessing. The offenders are two male Hispanics.

3:06pm - I spot the offenders walking down my block (it's confirmed minutes later when the description comes out of the offenders).

3:09pm - A slow down has been at Monticello and Schubert.

3:11pm - The offenders from the shooting are wearing as follows: 1) maroon jacket with white sleeves and 2) black hoodie with a white polo shirt. The offenders are known to hang out in the area of George and Hamlin.

3:14pm - I call 911 about the offenders walking down my block. They are sending the police to tour the area for the offenders. This call I made was for information only to help the police out.

3:29pm - Request for a supervisor. George and Hamlin. Someone is unhappy with police service regarding this shooting. The person, according to Beat 2522, refuses a police report and wants the police to kick in his door for some weird reason.

3:38pm - The offenders were spotted going west on Diversey towards Lawndale right after the shots fired, according to a source. My source was in the store while these shots were fired.

3:39pm - Criminal damage report. 1921 N Lawndale. A car was broken into.

3:42pm - Beat car 2523 has a parker at 3143 N Konster (sinkhole in the street) and a burglary report at 3054 N Avers.

3:51pm - The parker at 3143 N Konster is a 19Paul, but there is a small sinkhole in the street.

3:56pm - Supervisor 2550 codes out the 3:29pm job on his part as a 19Paul.

3:57pm - 45Sam needs another car at Pulaski and Dickens. Sounds like a fight in the background. The officer also said this panicky.

3:58pm - A "Nora" unit pulls up and two guys flee east on Dickens from Pulaski.

4:03pm - Beat cars 2544/2546 are going in with some people from the Dickens and Pulaski thing.

4:17pm - An RD number is pulled for the burglary report on Avers. It's HR104213. Event number is 10619.

4:20pm - The backlog is taken out of 25.

4:25pm - Beat 2523's supervisor is notified of the burglary. They canvassed and ET (Evidence Tech) has been ordered.

4:29pm - Parker. 3622 W North. A car is parked in the tow zone.

5:15pm - Beat car 2566David is going in with one from a traffic stop at Fullerton and Tripp.

5:20pm - Assault in progress. 3636 W Armitage. Male throwing bottles and doing crazy stuff.

5:22pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 2715 N Lawndale. Landlord and tenant are arguing.

5:25pm - Theft. 3759 W Fullerton. At the grocery store. Male Hispanic teens stole some stuff and fled eastbound on Fullerton.

5:28pm - Parker. 4106 W Wellington. No further information.

5:33pm - Bear 2525 has a stop on his violence zone mission at 4405 W Diversey.

5:45pm - Beat car 2523 has a traffic stop at 4160 W Nelson.

5:46pm - Suspicious person. Belmont and Ridgeway. People are tampering with car plates.

6:08pm - They're calling back from the 5:22pm job

6:53pm - I'm finished eating and my mom is now the owner of the radio until she heads to bed. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow morning.

7:13pm - Traffic accident on Beat 2523's box on the beat.

7:29pm - Shots fired. 1614 N Avers. No further information.

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