Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hospital volunteer jumped by van-riding thugs

Good morning to everyone. It's 6:25am. Well, I'm going to post two Chicago Journal articles up here, and here they are:

Hospital volunteer jumped by van-riding thugs
A robbery occurred on the 2600 block of N. California at 4:30 a.m. on Dec. 2, police said in a report. The victim, a volunteer at a local VA hospital, was on the street when two young men jumped out of a gold-colored Chevrolet van and attacked him, kicking him in the face and body and then rummaging through his pockets for valuables. The attack lasted about a minute, the victim said, but the offenders didn't make off with any of his possessions. At the time of the report, no arrests had been made.

Muggers threaten vitcim's life for $100 and iPod
An armed robbery occurred on the 2100 block of N. Hoyne at 6:20 p.m. on Dec. 6, according to police. The victim, a 24-year-old woman, was walking east on Shakespeare when two men in black hooded sweatshirts, one holding a revolver, allegedly confronted her. "Just give me all your [expletive]," the man with the gun said. "Don't make me have to shoot you." The second man searched her pockets, taking an iPod, a cell phone and about $100 in cash, according to the report.

This is crime for this morning:
Good evening. It's 5:13pm. Here's crime for tonight:

5:08pm - Missing person. 3621 W Dickens. A daughter has gone missing.

6:20pm - I have to go now. I know, I haven't reported hardly anything lately, but it's the lack of energy. Tomorrow I have a basketball game with my class at Uplift. I will let you all know how it went. So, good night to everyone and peace.

6:21pm - Disturbance. 3959 W Armitage. Someone is refusing to leave.

6:22pm - Parkers at 2919 North Konster and 2800 North Kildare.

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