Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome to the Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter page!

Hello everyone, welcome to the Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter page! I'm Timmy, the creator of the site. This site is about the crime in the Avondale and Logan Square neighborhoods on Chicago's Northwest side. I was inspired by "The Broken Heart of Rogers Park" (made by Craig Gernhardt) and the "Edgewater Crime Blotter" to create this website. Those two websites are very good with details of crime in their areas, so I decided to make a website for crime in my neighborhood, Avondale.

About me: I am a 15 year old male, with a condition known as Autism. You'd think a 15 year old like myself would be comitting lots of crime, or thugging outside, but I don't do that in any way. I'd rather STOP crime in my neighborhood. I attend Sullivan High School, in the Rogers Park neighborhood (it is a pretty decent school, except for when the everyday brawls happen. Read Craig Gernhardt's "The Broken Heart of Rogers Park" about this topic). My hobbies are watching TV, going out on weekends to travel to various places in Chicago (also to take photographs of CTA buses, my favorite hobby of all time), being with family and friends, being on the computer, and of course, listening to Zone 12 on my police scanner.

I am a nice person, but I won't take crap from nobody in comments (if anybody is nice enough to comment) on this blog. Any discrimation or hate in the comments will NOT be tolerated. Also, comments regarding crime are welcome at ANY time, but again, please, no racism or hate.

All information on this crime blotter will be coming from my police scanner, but I may post some Chicago Journal articles (they have a crime blotter for Logan Square as well, but not as extensive on details as I have planned for mine) on crime.

The police district that will be monitored on this blog is the 25th District, Grand Central. I will be covering Beats 2523 (the beat I live on), 2524, 2525 and 2535 (north of North Avenue). I wish I owned another scanner or two to pick up the 14th and 17th Districts (they also cover Avondale/Logan Square), but I don't, so crime info on this blotter will only be coming from the 25th District.

I hope everyone is well informed of crime in the neighborhood by reading this blotter. And, if you can, enjoy!

- Timmy


  1. Hi Timmy,

    I'm very impressed with your blog. Good work.

  2. Timmy,

    THIS is amazing! I am so impressed with your knowledge and dedication to your community and this site. Chicago would be lucky to have someone like you on their police force. Have you looked into becoming a police officer??

  3. Hey Timmy, do you have any links to online CPD scanners which cover Zone 2 (Uptown)


  4. Hi Timmy,
    Thanks for all your efforts in monitoring crime in the area and informing its residents. I just found out about your blog from reddit-there was a thread on community organizing in Avondale. Do you know of any active neighborhood organizations? If there aren't any, I'd be happy to be involved in perhaps starting one and making Avondale a more resilient community.

  5. Hi Timmy!

    I'm interested in talking to you for a potential radio story I'm working on for WBEZ (91.5fm). Would love to hear from you when you have a moment - you can email me at

    Thanks much!

    - Jennifer Brandel

  6. Hi, Timmy. Thank you so much for keeping the community informed. The person who covers CAPS meetings for the pipeline ( recently resigned, and we are looking for a new beat reporter to cover the 14th.

    We can pay, it's not much, but we know your time is valuable. Also, do you know anything about a shooting earlier this morning (april 8) at 3:45AM in the 2000 block of North Milwaukee? I just got a tip from a reader and trying to find out more. call me 773 960 3997.


  7. Hi Alisa, no problem :). As far as the shooting goes, I don't know anything about it, but I can ask around. Also, regarding the beat reporting thing, yes, I would love to be the new beat reporter. Please send me an email at with more details on it. I'm available only until June or August, though, just so you know.

    Anonymous 9:18, thank you!

    Anonymous 8:42, thank you.

    Anonymous 9:21, thank you! I'm glad I'm doing this for the community. As far as working for the CPD, I would like to work as a civilian employee there, but I don't want to be a police officer. I highly respect what they do day in and day out, and I'm thankful that they do this, but the work they do isn't for me.

    Anonymous 2:48, no problem. I'm honored to do the work I do. As far as community organizations, we do have a couple. We have the Avondale Neighborhood Association, Avondale Concerned Neighbors, Avondale Triangle Association, and I'm sure some others. If you would like details on these organizations, you can email me at

  8. Hi Timmy, thanks for all your hard work! Just moved to the area and find your reports to be helpful in getting to know more about my new neighborhood.
